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lease out the former triangle gallery space in the municipal building.
Could definietly do food service but not a restaurant, it isn't serviced for a restaurant, which is actually fine because it lowers the cost.
What land, Eau Claire?
I think the city could activate at least the old townhome space temporarily. They're actually pretty good at it and could just leave it to CMLC to throw some containers on it with some local business pop-up shops. The Eau Claire mall land is still private I think... but maybe it isn't because why else would the city be paying for demolition?
Enmax is proposing updating a major powerline in the NE by running it above ground for 4 blocks between Edmonton Tr and Moncton road along 17ave NE. Seems like we should be burying above ground lines, not doing the opposite. I definitely side with the NIMBYs on this one. Article

Looks like the city is looking to lease out the former triangle gallery space in the municipal building. Would be a great spot for a restaurant or something that can activate some of the space around there!
For context, the preferred option has poles running next to the new Munro condo on 17th Ave and will be ~2m higher than the building.
The article says going above ground will save $10 million, which seems like peanuts in the grand scheme of things. (Not that I have $10 million on me!)
Yeah, that power line proposal is dumb. Wouldn't it also run along 16th avenue right in front of the hoping to be developed Midfield site?
I was also wondering that. Does the line terminate at Moncton Rd or would it continue. I assume the Midfield site would all be underground as it's brand new, hopefully this doesn't inspire them to raise it up.
I was also wondering that. Does the line terminate at Moncton Rd or would it continue. I assume the Midfield site would all be underground as it's brand new, hopefully this doesn't inspire them to raise it up.
The two options proposed both have the line above ground going by Midfield. Perhaps they could have coordinated running a conduit through that area when they redid all of the infrastructure last year? I've spent enough time here to know that simple concept is seemingly impossible to coordinate though.
Here's the proposals. That's some pretty hilariously large towers directly above and adjacent to tons of new development, parks, seniors homes, housing and potential development.

Can't they just use a drill and put a conduit under the gynormous 16th Avenue N right-of-way? Seems pretty short-sighted for wildly large power towers. I don't recall seeing this scale of power line in similar contexts in Toronto or Vancouver or any bigger city really.

Seems pretty short-sighted for wildly large power towers.
I believe as part of the regulatory process they are required to propose the most economical option in their mind, and present alternatives. Since they make cost plus as a regulated utility, it is important that they don't propose the cadillac option only, but let the commission decide the tradeoff is worth it.
