This past week at IEC councillor McKelvie spoke in defense of staff and sounded angry that others on council dared to speak publicly to criticize city staff. She's made some weird comments recently, like one at council about the Avenues housing policy and how a road like Sheppard near Rouge Park shouldn't be threatened (I'm paraphrasing) by these developments. Bizarre
At the committee on item
"Corporate Landowners Should Have to Clear their Sidewalks Again", she started off her comments saying:
"Firstly I want to thank City staff for all the hard work that they've done over the last couple weeks. While I was sleeping in my warm cozy bed they were out overnight clearing snow on our city streets. It is a thankless job as we have seen over the last two weeks and I will say that that is largely by some of the behavior of my colleagues on Council which I think what I saw this week was City Hall at its absolute worst. Absolute worst."
she goes on more to defend the "wonderful hard working dedicated public servants":
There are good staff at City Hall who really are feeling dumped on by some Councillors, the Mayor and the media.
Jen knows and is quite fond of some of said staff.
I'm sympathetic to hurt feelings, particularly from those who are highly competent, and genuinely trying hard.
I do, however, feel that some of those staff are taking it personally where the criticism isn't really aimed at them, but some of their colleagues and bosses.
That's unfortunate. I do get that underfunding has played a role in some, but not all of the issues where criticism has arisen. I think its perfectly fine for staff to say that out loud.
But there needs to a realization that the public are fed up of hearing excuses for poor service. If there isn't enough money whose responsibility is it to say that? If one colleague or business unit keeps mussing things up, whose responsibility is it to throw them under the proverbial bus? At the end of the day, the Mayor and councillors have to seem angry even where they may have contributed to the issues at hand, as their constituents are royally ticked off. They too would like to keep their jobs.
In the end, its about owning the problem and solving it; whatever 'it' is that we're talking about.
While some residents are utterly ignorant of what's possible, or what things cost..........most aren't completely obtuse. They just want the TTC to be reliable, the snow removed to a point where boarding a bus with a stroller or mobility aid is feasible, the trash picked up, etc etc. They aren't really phased by the reasons these things can't be done.........(after all they can)......... they just want them done.
Everyone recognizes that there will be an off day here or there, or storms will take a few days to catch up from...........people are less tolerant when the cleanup is ongoing weeks later, and the TTC is down again.....and this is second time in two months their trash hasn't been collected.