March 11
Took a walk down to Metrolinx Community Office today to get some info and shot the corridor, something I haven't done this year. Some of the info I wanted from ML could not be obtain as not in their scope knowledge which I expected before going there. We had a good talk on thing and taken back on a few things noted below. They had no knowledge about BOT at all as they only deal with Mobilinx directly. What takes place within Mobilinx is a Mobilinx Issues.
Contrary to
@ZEBuilder posting for testing that is only to Courtneypark, ML still has it to happen to Eglinton this year since there only a few LRV's in OMSF now. Still time to get the missing tracks and OS poles up before the stringing of the line. If there is a change, Mobilinx hasn't past the info on to ML yet who may say no to the change.
As it stands today and someone high up the ladder needs to jump on this now, The Steeles Station will remain on the southside regardless of the Brampton Extension that is ago to move it to the north side this year.
At the same time, both extension are to be tender that Mobilinx may not bid on it or even get them. Then what happens to the 30 year life plan if the the 2 extensions are open years after the line is open with one to two different builders are looking after those extensions??
The wye for Burnhamthorpe will not happen until there is a new plan and revise EA for the loop that needs to happen first. Unless ML plans on using GO Buses after the line opens to put in the wye, miWay has no buses to fill the lack of LRV's as they are to be assign to other routes that need beefing up now and more so by 2027. Traffic will be a mess rebuilding Burnhamthorpe intersection that you will almost have to double the amount of current buses or more to deal with the gridlock traffic. Lack of miWay buses is do to the city not building the 3rd garage and getting more than 500 buses that they have today.
Amico has replaced BOT doing the guideway and BOT been down graded to other areas for reasons noted above since Amico is larger than BOT from word on the street.
The missing guideway curb south of Central Parkway is now poured and it wasn't there Sunday. Grading was was taking place with the next step to pour the base of the guideway from CP to the bridge.
The area between John St to the CP bridge being dug up for the guideway and the Cooksville Station.
All the ductwork is gone that was store under the bridge with it being installed south of Hillcrest. If the trackwork north of Eglinton is to be the same at TLK area, a major issue with students crossing the guideway while the line is in service.
More phots up on my site