News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. R

    Infill Development Discussion

    You are correct. When you purchase a property, not only do you buy the land and the building, you buy the rights to prevent anyone else from doing anything else near you ever. Plus, you get to dictate the form of growth, and the rate of growth of the City you purchased a property in.
  2. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Devil's advocate from a purely libertarian perspective: why pay for any of these? None are public goods (non-excludable and non-rivalrous). All are cool things to have, but is it government's role to provide them? (In fairness, with this argument, libraries nor transit would be public goods...
  3. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Ah yes, the place next door had a fire awhile ago. I was actually driving by it when it started to smoke. Went to Chinook mall, came back up Macleod, fire was out, but the second story was seriously damaged. Good to see something here. Maybe the adjacent building will redevelop in time too.
  4. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Where is that MacLeod proposal? My computer always crashes with the streetview links.
  5. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    If Centre City continues its growth rate from the last 10 years until 2076, it will actually have 220K people by 2076.
  6. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    In what world does 14 metres equate to 5 stories? That's less than 3m a storey. And that doesn't include the roof.
  7. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I would say that the goal for Centre City growth is off. Probably closer to accommodating an additional 80K people to reach about 120K by 2076.
  8. R

    Infill Development Discussion

    Good to see this type of development in the city. We need more of it. Personally, not my style in terms of colours, but that's just my personal style. What's the situation with trees? Waiting until spring to plant? Or are these units pretty much up against the PL?
  9. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I guess I just disagree with you on that point. Zoning for midrise would just result in this area being sterile, as developers and buyers will just move to west Beltline or East Village, as you will be paying more than concrete prices for woodframe product due to land cost. I like mid-rise...
  10. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    The streetview links didn't work for me, but I will assume they were of a bunch of sterile towers with no street-level interaction and a bunch of mid-rises that had awesome storefronts and the like. I could just as easily find a bunch of commie block mid-rises from eastern Europe, or mid-rise...
  11. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Why are towers potentially sterile, but not mid rise buildings?
  12. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I will disagree. Centre City is for high-rise development. There are places for mid-rises, but east Beltline isn't one of them.
  13. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    It's a massing model. That's it.
  14. R

    Infill Development Discussion

    Banff Trail is starting to have a lot of the 4-unit rowhouses on corners. 24th avenue in particular.
  15. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Most of Beltline north of 12th avenue is 12 FAR (with bonusing). Railtown won't be any more dense than the Arriva/Guardian complex, Keynote, the Hines building on 4th and 12th etc. It is big density, but not any greater than what is already being built. I understand the desire for midrises, but...
  16. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I don't know. The Flames' position was pretty over the top. I'm not sure if everyone read the Globe article that Carrie Tait around the time of the negotiations , but the demands...
  17. R

    Calgary | Eisenberg | ?m | 3s | NORR

    The city does not have the power to force anyone to construct anything, and an owner can demolish a building (unless it has heritage protection, and even then the enforcement is limited). Anyone can apply for a demo permit at any time and there is no legislation for the city to say no.
  18. R

    General Construction Updates

    Anyone else having issues with the "go to first unread post" button on the threads, or is it just me. EDIT- Also, my avatar is gone.
  19. R

    Calgary | The Windsor | ?m | 6s | Arlington Street | NORR

    Likely stuff going on side. Rough ins for HVAC, plumbing and electrical likely.
  20. R

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    This whole culture/economy has made me think of a report I read awhile ago about this whole labour attraction debate: Long story short- - An educated populace drives prosperity. And it drives it for every income group (higher wages, lower...
