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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. M

    City Workers Strike 2009

    Oh, I understand where you are coming from. But in regards to layoff's TO did the right thing. I'm not saying Layoff's arnt good, because everyone knows there are positions in the Gov that are pointless. Created for a family member of friend. It could stand to be trimmed But not to the extent...
  2. M

    On-Street Parking

    I can understand where you are coming from. But there should be a few different options too. I could see them implamenting a sticker or something of that nature that you pay monthly or yearly for. Most people will get it out of convience. And the City's would make more that way then just by...
  3. M


    Not all members were part of the Vote. CUPE encoumpess alot of workers. The origional part of the strike was for the garbage people. Alot of them did aggree. But office workers, (and i know quite a few) didn't want to. The only reason they are pickiting is because if they don't they don't get...
  4. M

    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    Well we'll see what happens. I will be supprised if he gets re elected. But then again I've seen stranger things happen. But at the end of the day, one politician is as good as the next...
  5. M

    City Workers Strike 2009

    For sure. Well here's another example of it. Look at gass prices. last year around this time they said they were going up. And they did. HUGELY. There were a couple indepindant studies that were done couple months ago, and you know what they found? that the only reason Gas prices went up is...
  6. M

    Elevator Problems in high-rise buildings

    are they bumpy the entire way? or just on starts and stops? because that could indicate a huge problem if its the entire way though...
  7. M

    Star: Shopping wars: 'Screw it, I need some bags'

    You bring up a good point. In your composter there was plenty of bacteria to eat the plastics as they broke down as well, (assuming they were enginered that way) but in a land fill conditions are different, What they need are little packets you throw into the bag when you tie it up to start...
  8. M

    Star: Shopping wars: 'Screw it, I need some bags'

    Awesome 299, I will definatly be picking them up. Do you know if they make yard bags the same? cause that would be quite a good idea. But here's another questions. Is the process of making these bags any better on the enviroment?
  9. M


    one point i want to make about our suitation in Windsor, about 85 % of the workers didn't want to strike. But CUPE still went ahead with it.
  10. M


    No it doesnt work for everyone. Never said it did. But you won't know unless you try. Not everyone is up for that kind of thing. And i understand that. But there are so many sides to this and people are not looking at even half of them. Just out of curiousity what do you do for a living Salvius?
  11. M

    City Workers Strike 2009

    Laying off is a hard proccess though, because its spending money on a consumer level that is what will bring us out of this slump. If people are afraid to spend money then there's no money available. This is an endless cycle that causes huge problems.
  12. M

    Michael Jackson R.I.P.

    HaHAHA ok. Amazing. Not supprised in any sense of the word but hay, if it works for them then why not right....
  13. M

    Michael Jackson R.I.P.

    Yah, I can see that. But then again. Even those albums only had a few top hits. Those were the days you bought an album or cassete for one song. Not just hop online and download it. *sigh*
  14. M

    Question for those who know computers.

    Yah, like I said it was a good deal. Specially because it comes with a Monitor. You said it was a 22" correct?
  15. M

    online affairs: real or imaginary?

    Ah i see, lol. Well I wouldn't know about that. Never been there myself. Where do you stand on that Adma, Just out of random curiousity since were on the subject. Unless that's to personal.
  16. M

    Question for those who know computers.

    They've been a lot better in the last few years, specially when you get something decent on sale. But yah, tiger direct is good too. Let us know what you end up getting. And what you paid for it.
  17. M

    I am LEGAL! :)

    Lol you coould do that I guess. But Blog would work well, on both fronts for you. It only takes a few minutes a day. Think about it...
  18. M

    On-Street Parking

    Good luck trying to convince people to vote for that. Thats like asking hem to vote for tripple taxes.
  19. M

    Star: Shopping wars: 'Screw it, I need some bags'

    Finally a solition that has some brains behind it. I never would have thought of that to be honest. How is it priced compated to traditional black bags?
  20. M

    Tim Hudak wins PC leadership - Who Will Be Premier in 2011?

    Yah it would. But I wouldnt be able to do it. there cant ever really be an honest politician lol, So id fail...
