News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. S

    Toronto Regional Board of Trade Regional Rail Report

    I do have a bit of a problem with tolls except on brand new infrastructure. It inevitably results in winners and losers depending on whether you live near a highway that has become tolled or not. Someone going from Rosedale to downtown would pay nothing and yet people going downtown from low...
  2. S

    VIA Rail

    Today Biden announced his new $2 trillion infrastructure plan and Amtrak plays a big part. It proposes many new routes and one that sticks out is a new route from Detroit to Toronto. I think such a route finally connecting the 2 cities and places further west like Chicago would greatly...
  3. S

    Toronto Regional Board of Trade Regional Rail Report

    In Metrolinx's defence I will say that the have some of the most preeminent parking garage architects and engineers anywhere.
  4. S

    Toronto Toronto | Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    Torontonians should be careful about their constant demands. If this project morphs into nothing but a bitch session project and hence significantly pushes back the time table as well as greatly increasing the cost, I could honestly see Ford just turning around and telling the City to f... off...
  5. S

    Toronto Regional Board of Trade Regional Rail Report

    It is a great report and would be ideal for GO and I share your enthusiasm. One thing I do not agree with it and you on however is the types of trains. You state {and correct me if I've misunderstood you} is that it is a good idea to have just one basic train type for all GO services. Contrary...
  6. S

    Toronto Regional Board of Trade Regional Rail Report

    I think the Toronto Board of Trade's proposal is nothing but great. It hits all the marks with fare integration, the right rolling stock, timetables, grade separations, spacing, added and simplified stations, Union, and clearly differentiates the service levels of RER as opposed to GO commuter...
  7. S

    GO Transit Electrification | Metrolinx

    ^^ I have always stated that battery was my preferred option. The problem is that it may not even matter what anybody thinks. Even if everyone, everywhere decided the single level trains were the best option, it won't make any difference if the 3 remaining bidders are only proposing...
  8. S

    GO Transit Electrification | Metrolinx

    An excellent report and is essentially saying that the main RER sections will effectively become subway-lite systems. Noteworthy that they recommend, for RER, single level trains with 3 doors on each side and level boarding so passenger flow is optimised and allows for quick entry/exit like a...
  9. S

    Hydrogen Economy General

    When I state cars, I don't mean how they are powered by rather how they are built. All that steel requires either natural gas or coal to manufacture/recycle and getting rid of those 2 fossil fuels is paramount if we are to meet net zero. As I stated, it is when the entire supply chain becomes...
  10. S

    Hydrogen Economy General

    If my assertions are 'factless' then I propose you go out and try buy a car/TV/stereo/pop or food can/condo or go to the grocery store and buy food , clothes or gas and get back to us and tell us how you are getting along.
  11. S

    Hydrogen Economy General

    There is news out of Germany that is truly monumental and has the potential to be completely transformative. Germany's powerhouse steel producer Saarstahl is beginning pilot projects {and hopes to begin mass by production by 2024} to transform it's steel production over to zero emissions...
  12. S

    SmartTrack (Proposed)

    The difference between Smartracks and GO is that, at least as things stand now, people will take ST. It all comes down to accessibility and right now GO is simply not an option for millions because it's just too damn expensive. Until GO becomes the same fare as every other transit fare, it will...
  13. S

    GO Transit Electrification | Metrolinx

    It wasn't me that brought the hydrogen discussion back up. My point is that studying it was not a waste of money. Seriously $7 million of a $13 billion budget is pennies on pennies on the dollar. They have learnt a lot about the shortcomings and strengths of an emerging technology and...
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    GO Transit Electrification | Metrolinx

    While I certainly appreciate that Metrolinx studied hydrogen as primarily a delay tactic so they can continue to make no decisions on anything, the puny $7 million was not a waste but rather a bargain. If ML doesn't want hydrogen for RER then fine but that doesn't mean it is not {nor will not...
  15. S

    GTHA Transit Fare Integration

    ^^^^ Like the idea of a 2022 implementation plan. They have got to get a complete fare integration system up and running well before RER finally kicks in.
  16. S

    Ultra Light Rail Claims Lower Risk and Lower Cost than Traditional Light Rail

    One of the problems is that the supposed savings of these Guided Buses over standard LRT by not requiring the tearing up the roadway didn't materialise. The issue was that the buses when running down regular roads with a physical guidance resulted in an indentation of the asphalt and then the...
  17. S

    Caledon-Vaughan GO Rail Line

    I think, in theory, this is a very good idea as Bolton is a very fast growing area and would serve a lot of people in Northern Toronto and Vaughn too. Logistically, however, I can see this as being highly problematic. This will mean that at roughly Brockton you are going to have 3 GO commuter...
  18. S

    VIA Rail

    The idea of an Ottawa bypass while people in SWO suffer from both poor and unreliable service and pathetically long travel times. Why should VIA's 3rd busiest station get so much largess of dubious returns while VIA's 4th busiest station {London} get's squat. Added to this idea of putting the...
  19. S

    The Coming Disruption of Transport

    Madrid managed to expand Metro at a rate Torontonians could only dream about for several reasons. They did not dig everywhere but rather employed at-grade, elevation, and current rail corridor wherever possible. They didn't build Taj Mahal subway stations in the burbs a la Spadina extension...
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    GO Transit Electrification | Metrolinx

    Forgetting the capacity & speed debate for a minute, the biggest problem I have with DD is their inaccessibility. This is the 21st century and if we are trying to make a more inclusive society then making sure the transportation system is accessible to all is paramount. DD are horrible for the...
