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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    With all apologies to Cheech & Chong, this is the first thing I thought of when I heard RoFo comparing his sobriety to that of a judge. **Clip IS Cheech & Chong, so likely NSFW...
  2. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    pattycakes - yes! yes!! and yes!!! too to evvabeing re: "rob saw this happen" Please keep talking Ms Monkey Pumpkin! ;)
  3. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This may just be a case of semantics and me just wishing for stuff to slip out via verbal slip-ups but one thing I heard that jumped out at me in the 'little monkey/country pumpkin' interview was what she said when asked about the smuggling in of stuff to GS. Typically, to catch a liar it's...
  4. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Two things: the Twitter account where Leanne was posting pro-Ford BS has an Instagram photo tweeted. Quick sleuthing (possibly already done) shows Leanne has an Instagram account too...though nada incriminating. Second thang? Uhhhh...yeah, I won't be attending this event! ;) ** Apologies...
  5. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Warning: Anticlimatic sleuthing tale... Was out last night with a couple of basketball playing friends at a south Etobicoke resto when I heard there were two and not just one city Councillor dining there too: Grimes and Milczyn. Realized it only after a table of Chicago folk were introduced to...
  6. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Mentally Photoshopping that cake with the four corners marked instead by a crack pipe, an iPhone, stack of manila envelopes and a vodka bottle. ;->
  7. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nice Gucci tie, Thug.
  8. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Totallllllllly unrelated to the Ford foibles, but a funny photo appears in the National Post article about the declining number of strip clubs in Toronto (
  9. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not sure if this has been posted, but it made for a good read! ;) Truthful Statements that Doug Ford Has Made
  10. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just saw this and had to chuckle: RoFo getting laughed at - for getting his football knowledge mixed up. Say it ain't so?!?! ;-) Why Toronto mayor Rob Ford liked the Giants this week ... then didn't Articled lede: "It's understandable: You do enough crack and spend enough days...
  11. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm not sure that you are talking about the same Big Pappas...but the location at 2982 Bloor hasn't been an Italian restaurant since...well, mid-January of this year at the very least - this is when it was changed to a business lounge. The lounge didn't take off for whatever reason and the place...
  12. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You're right Jimmi T -- Romeo has nothing to do with fact, they are a competitor to his business at Keele North Recycling. Romeo and Ford know each other from growing up in the same 'hood.
  13. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    A couple days & what seems to be a few hundred posts behind, I just had to escape a convo with a 905-er....arrgggh!
  14. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Google search of that photo showed this...and that.
  15. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    ohmygawd ohmygawd x1,000,000 He's talking about himself in third person...and now he's calling himself Kuwait?!? And now he won't shut up, hahaha. Total mental disconnect... Pardon me while I vomit out my ears.
  16. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Seconding this! 1000x... Not tarnishing Alana with the sex trade worker label because there ARE stories percolating amongst friends & associates of Ford frollicking (think I just threw up in my mouth a little) with *actual* sex trade workers though the story I heard did not take place in a...
  17. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think the timing on the club being gutted was just caRp luck on DiBattista's part. Through a friend I was invited there one night and didn't go (who goes to Royal York and Bloor from downtown for fun??) and then later when I asked said friend about checking the place out, he said it wasn't...
  18. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Avid lurker and someone who's met DiBattista a number of times socially and in business dealings, want to say the idea of him being connected to GFL in some nefarious way is riveting but highly highly unlikely. GFL is a direct competitor to his business & there is NO love lost there. Don't...
