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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. Haljackey

    Roads: Ontario/GTA Highways Discussion

    Design-Build contract for a new interchange on the Highway 6 Hanlon Parkway awarded. Precursor to the eventual Highway 6 / 401 realignment project.
  2. Haljackey

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    The 413 isn't really a municipal/regional issue. Not much they can do about it. The next provincial election is just over 4 months away and I am sure this will be a major issue during the campaign. No sense stirring the pot till then. After the election, I'm sure municipal/regional politicians...
  3. Haljackey

    London Rapid Transit (In-Design)

    The only thing that will make Richmond Row happy is do nothing, They don't want a lane taken out for 'poor students'. They don't want years of construction. They want that for on-street parking at minimum and for people to access their businesses. Losing a car lane means more traffic to them and...
  4. Haljackey

    London Rapid Transit (In-Design)

    This is spot on and 100% the best routing. The E-W legs could be added afterwards so money and political will could have been focused to build this core leg. Too bad it didn't materialize. At least the south part will be built as BRT but the north part will be choked due to 4 major issues. The...
  5. Haljackey

    London Rapid Transit (In-Design)

    Dude we can't even spend the money upper levels of government are literally giving away to us for transit projects. There will never be another opportunity here unless the province or something shoves it down our throats. Even the 2 queue jump bus lanes we have are not working well here- cars...
  6. Haljackey

    Roads: Highway 401 Widening - Highway 8 to Highway 410 (MTO, U/C, Planned)

    The 401 EB to 8 NB, 8 SB to 401 WB flyovers are certainly needed these days but aren't included in this project. However, I believe that the new bridge is being built with those future connections in mind, and will be wide enough to fit in the on/off ramps. Consider it a precursor project. I...
  7. Haljackey

    London Rapid Transit (In-Design)

    As a lifelong London resident, I don't mind Not Just Bikes videos about 'fake London'. He makes you think. He has a certain perspective that I weigh against my own perspectives and the perspectives of others. He did a video regarding the proposed widening of a major road in the city (link...
  8. Haljackey

    London Rapid Transit (In-Design)

    Posted this on reddit- A report just recently came out showing very high vacancy in downtown London. One of the reasons cited was a lack of parking. This can cleaned up a bit by parking garages...
  9. Haljackey

    London Rapid Transit (In-Design)

    Dundas east of Adelaide (EoA) is probably the closest thing London has to a ghetto. The city has been pumping in money to try and fix it up however.,-81.2301692,3a,38.2y,91.75h,87.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sm_QjvG74YrJP9eJ6B1ABXg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 There's...
  10. Haljackey

    London Rapid Transit (In-Design)

    London is slowly chipping away at all the surface parking. Richmond Street from downtown to Richmond Row now has all adjacent surface parking removed. Other streets like King and Dundas are nearly filled in too. There are still some large lots by the CN rail line but that's because there isn't...
  11. Haljackey

    London Rapid Transit (In-Design)

    ah London- the 'do nothing' city that will throw $120 million of funding out the window. A suburb with no freeways mind you. No wide roads either. Just nothing.
  12. Haljackey

    Roads: Ontario/GTA Highways Discussion

    Is it just me or are those details way too small? If you're going to do stuff like that, make them bigger so people can actually notice them. These could be like 4x the size if the went all the way to the bottom of girders.
  13. Haljackey

    Roads: Ontario/GTA Highways Discussion

    In London a few over/underpasses have a little decoration-,-81.2582792,3a,60y,97.74h,77.03t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s867NxBNbygfyaFZ1jAKi5w!2e0!5s20170901T000000!7i13312!8i6656...
  14. Haljackey

    Roads: Gardiner Expressway catch-all, incl. Hybrid Design (2015-onwards)

    Great pics! Current setup reminds me of this
  15. Haljackey

    Roads: Ontario/GTA Highways Discussion

    Hey now, it is just leased (for 99 years) At least (ha!) we learned our lesson and toll 407 East ourselves. Speaking of 407 ETR, many sections have reached their maximum width with the OG design limit, with other stretches reaching full build out soon. What's next for the 407? I hope it's...
  16. Haljackey

    Roads: Ontario/GTA Highways Discussion

    I post in a lot of pro and anti highway forums - I am just interested in the subject and form opinions from both sides. Recently there's been a couple funnies shared about Ontario Highways and the pro highway side can't take the joke at all. It's called satire, my dudes...
  17. Haljackey

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    I wouldn't say so. The new 410 connection would simply be long-ass on/off ramps to/from GTA West. I would assume traffic that wants to continue on 10/410 would still use the existing highway. It's a little clunky and un-needed sure, but it won't be useless. You get redundancy too which is...
  18. Haljackey

    Roads: Ontario/GTA Highways Discussion

    I'm one of the few from outside Greater Toronto that posts here- some others can't stand the 'Toronto perspective', but I like to hear all sides to help decide where I stand on various topics. I hope you appreciate the perspectives I bring to the table as well. As an outsider, I view the 401...
  19. Haljackey

    Roads: GTA West Corridor—Highway 413

    Just looking at this map- 403 is signed as the 410, 407 is signed as the 403. Too bad that isn't reality. I'd love if that was a fact and the 407 didn't start until the 401 interchange. Also- could 427 one day be extended as a stub? That would give Bolton great access.
  20. Haljackey

    Roads: Ontario/GTA Highways Discussion

    Hello gridlock to pretty much every E-W road in Greater Toronto.
