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  1. T

    City orders condo developers to buy annual metropass for every unit

    Despite the city saying the developer can't pass the cost onto the consumer, the cost will be passed on to, you, the consumer. And be honest with if a $1,300 incentive would sway your condo decision — even if you're already buying a metropass monthly.
  2. T

    Parking in the downtown core

    I actually read somewhere that were it not for the abundance of parking in Detroit, the enormous race riots that erupted and sped up white-flight and the hollowing out of downtown wouldn't have been as bad and Detroit would probably be exactly like Toronto now, and Windsor would be like Hamilton.
  3. T

    Parking in the downtown core

    Underground parking is also generally more expensive than surface lots, and in the winter, salt conditions paired with heated garages actually exacerbate rusting :) (just sayin')
  4. T

    Beer Store needs a Lifetime Achievement Award

    Surely the BeerStore has a thick folio with plans to redevelop all their downtown sites. They don't even need a street presence, they could rent out surface-level to other retail and just have a driveway/ramp to a second level (or, hell, a basement), and rent the rest of the building out as...
  5. T

    Tim Hortons: Drive-thrus R great!

    Surely the most logical answer would be stricter guidelines on how Drive-Thrus should be planned, with convenient (and pleasant) pedestrian access in mind. That way, when space and site permits, there isn't an unnecessary roadblock. Other than drive-thrus being ugly and usually planned poorly...
  6. T

    androiduk's My Toronto

    What's the building's history anyway?
  7. T

    Toronto architecture: a general observation

    I think this goes back to something US and I mentioned: that so much of the creative industry in Toronto is ruled by a lack of imagination, and (I would add) too great a fear at standing out or being the first. The Toronto Style is hard to pin down (if it exists at all) because it doesn't really...
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    Toronto 2015 Pan American Games

    This is fantastic news!!!
  9. T

    androiduk's My Toronto

    As much as I think it's a little tacky, maybe they're on to something with this. Condos usually lack a way of personalizing the exterior of your unit the way you can with a house. This weird window sliver space is like an public niche to show people a bit of your personality: this person likes...
  10. T

    Toronto architecture: a general observation

    Practical smactical, they get work done right? Though maybe that's why the calibre of city hall work is so low, hmmm... Well, that's the breakdown. We, the talent, know it is, but often the layer of people in charge are the ones with the we're-not-worthy attitude. Or maybe just a fear of...
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    Minneapolis Part 1: New Buildings

    <3 that we'll never see eye to eye on this :D
  12. T

    A Walk Around South Rosedale

    Oh, sorry. I didn't realize we were only talking about architecture as it could have existed in Toronto. I was thinking London, Paris, Rome... No, you're right, I'm not as worked up about this as you are. But even though I lack the frothing passion, I thought I'd join in on this, uhhh pubic...
  13. T

    Sharon Yetman's Subway Safety Plan (Better barrier for subways 'an obsession')

    Ugh, just hope no one important hears her say that. It's what we'll get :( I love the idea of the suicide barriers becoming suicide devices themselves :D
  14. T

    Miscellany Toronto Photographs: Then and Now

    I think the above is actually at Waverley looking West...
  15. T

    androiduk's My Toronto

    True, but I find it egotistical and showy in a really self-conscious way; "Look!!! I've got nice guitars!!!" I can't think of a more public private-residential space in the city. It's like people are living in the windows at the Bay.
  16. T

    Toronto architecture: a general observation

    How does any of that strip him of being 'Canadian', or a 'Canadian architect?' If anything it speaks to Canadians' fascination with ignoring their home-grown talent until its recognized internationally first :P Yeah, it's not like we made new City Hall our civic logo or anything. It...
  17. T

    Sharon Yetman's Subway Safety Plan (Better barrier for subways 'an obsession')

    Where did you conclude that? The point of these barriers is that it's a Soccer Mom's $0.5m solution to an otherwise $5m projected cost, not that it doesn't require the "computerized signalling system, already being installed on the TTC, to line up precisely with the train doors." Without the...
  18. T

    Minneapolis Part 1: New Buildings

    Because you usually (the Crystal being the one glaring exception I can ever remember) dismiss anything other than bare-bones, stripped back, budget-minimalism (4SC), as a cry for "hollow Spectacle". Oddly you give the Crystal a pass, even though (more than any other building in Toronto save the...
  19. T

    Toronto Toronto | X2 Condominiums | 160.93m | 49s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

    I think it's much more likely, judging from the use of black and white photography, that they're trying to attract colour blind purchasers. I mean c'mon, it's 2009 and you guys think there's still a binary in marketing circles that pink is gay/feminine? I mean, really?! What happened with...
  20. T

    Toronto architecture: a general observation

    Doesn't that seem overly precious? Canadian Frank Gehry isn't Canadian architecture? I would be hard-pressed to find many differences between the modernism we build here and the modernism built in any other major, modern city. Which seems kind of obvious as Toronto modernism owes a lot to the...
