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  1. P

    Rinks & Scrimmage Hockey

    I depends on what days you go, saturday afternoon and wednesday nights are rammed, but at least there are a few guys that can actually play there.
  2. P

    Rinks & Scrimmage Hockey

    Dufferin Grove, Withrow Park and Ramsden park all have great calibre Shinny (scrimmage) I think you maybe a week early, they used to open first week of December, now it tends to be around the 10-20th, hope for cold weather and you might be in luck.
  3. P

    androiduk's My Toronto

    ^ I think the company your referring to was called Murad, was bought by CBS outdoor in something like 1997-98. I actually did some freelance for them when I was in highschool/college.
  4. P

    Riverside Towns (was Leslieville Lofts, Hyde Pk/Lamb Dev, 140-162 Broadview, 3s, ?)COMPLETE

    how big does the site have to be turn a street car around? the site is deep but is it wide enough for that? I'm curious to know how this would be laid out.
  5. P

    androiduk's My Toronto

    That guitar also looks like a Gretsch so they can be anywhere between $2000 and $10,000 so it appears the guy has more money then brains. Still I don't think you'd buy a Gretsch if you can't play. Great Pics BTW, keep em coming
  6. P

    Are you in favor of Google Streetview project?

    I currently searching for an new house to but and MLS and google earth/streetview have been better tools than my agent.
  7. P

    Families in Toronto

    This is great to hear, I'm currently looking at upgrading from our small row house in Riverdale to something a little larger around that area or coxwell/danforth but we were worried about the kid population (we have a 3 year old and another on the way). How are the parks around there? we'd like...
  8. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    my mistake you are correct..... THOMPSON GROUP>100% WOODBRIDGE COMPANY LTD> 100% 1565117 ONTARIO LTD>40% CTVgm(CTVgm Publishing/Globe and Mail) which own 100% > CTV ltd (chum) > CTV broadcasting (CTV television/specialty)
  9. P

    Riverside Towns (was Leslieville Lofts, Hyde Pk/Lamb Dev, 140-162 Broadview, 3s, ?)COMPLETE

    I have to agree it was a little high for the site. My son goes to daycare across the street, and from the roof top playground would have been a great place to take progress shots from. I think 5-6 would have been more appropriate, they could have probably gone to nine if the site was a bit...
  10. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    Yes, Bell still has a small portion of CTVGlobeMedia, not exactly sure, but I believe the number is a 15% stake. The majority of CTVgm is owned by the Thompson Group(40%) and Teachers Pension(25%). TorStar owns the Globe and Star, they have a 20% stake in CTVgm. Rogers broadcasting is...
  11. P

    Riverside Towns (was Leslieville Lofts, Hyde Pk/Lamb Dev, 140-162 Broadview, 3s, ?)COMPLETE

    Missed that, didn't even think it was still on.... what was the jist of it?
  12. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    Actually Bell is named in the suit before the CRTC, they just haven't been as vocal as Rogers in their distaste.
  13. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    thats fair, as long as we can add Canwest to that list. Stock is at $0.105 WOW talk about losing everything. Curious, what happens when a stock hits zero, does the certificate in my desk implode?
  14. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    Fee for carriage is something that should have been implemented a long time ago, and the CRTC hasn't ruled it out completely. Why should Rogers get to charge what ever they want without paying the creator of the content? it's free over the air, because the network pays for either the...
  15. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    No I'm saying there was hardly an anti-cable campaign by CTV, there was however an agenda by rogers to use their position as a provider to bury their competition as a broadcaster, hardly fair business practices. MTV is a lifestyle channel by definition of their license, no music videos. Much...
  16. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    What an insightful post. And the anti-cable campaign is bogus. How is it that sportsnet, the same type of license as TSN, is included on basic cable? And why is that TSN2 which is just an extension of the original license, not a specialty, is going to billed as such? And how did CTV attack...
  17. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    I think you have that a tad backwards, CTV has managed to let the brands basically live as they did before the take over, sure there are programming changes as some of the properties didnt make the move and needed to be replaced with CTV's content. but for the most part CTV has improved on some...
  18. P


    I used to live right on the corner of Queen and Boulton and about 5 years ago, the prostitutes that frequent River st. would make thier way down there. From my window I could watch as the cops would set up stings every once in a while. My brother lives across the street near degrassi so we'd...
  19. P

    City-TV & OMNI-TV's H.Q. (formerly Torch, Quadrangle)

    I would say that the current renovation is very representative of the Rogers brand...... crap.
  20. P

    Globe: Second NHL Team for Toronto?

    Every heard of the Cubs? Red Sox 1903-2006? I guess you don't follow sports that much
