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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. A

    Allowing Prayer sessions during school time

    Ontario never experienced the wholesale rejection of religion that Quebec did, so the Catholic schools continued to be funded. I think, however, that Ontarians prefer the status quo above all else. Too many people would be upset if they were to go, while a great deal of people were upset with...
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    Toronto’s Greece-like spending

    Hey it worked for the Liberals in 1935, maybe we'll see a resurgence :P
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    How would you fix traffic in Toronto?

    I conceed the issue of street cars, although I still dislike how they stop both lanes of traffic to load/unload.
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    How would you fix traffic in Toronto?

    Queen and King are not the only streets in Toronto that utilise street cars, and they very well may be quite effective for the downtown core. However, there are lots of places where streetcars can be replaced by buses effectively. Broadview is one such example. Do people not listen to the...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Civil unions for homosexuals violates a person's right not to be discriminated against. Seperate but equal is still discriminatory.
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    How would you fix traffic in Toronto?

    Actually, I don't even have my license. Streetcars are notorious for holding up traffic, and blocking 2 lanes at stops. Additionally, the power lines for them cause a ton of radio interference which unrelated to traffic is another annoyance.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Is this advocating the legalization of marijuana? :P
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    How would you fix traffic in Toronto?

    I would much rather remove street cars altogether, and replace them with buses.
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    Allowing Prayer sessions during school time

    No you're not, because it is completely ridiculous. If they want to have prayer in school they have the option to go to the private sector.
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    Toronto’s Greece-like spending

    5 replies, and the only thing you guys can pick apart is the comparison to Greece? So, you're saying there is no financial problem in Toronto? We don't have a spending and debt problem? I'm not attacking you, as I'm genuinely curious.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Let's not start this whole 'you said x, that's racist' garbage. These phrases are only prejudiced if they are intended to be.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ford is the mayor now, and was brought in on a mandate that has nothing to do with any kind of social agenda. Since he now represents myself instead of just those in Etobicoke, I will judge with my vote on what he does now that he is the mayor. I don't approve of statements he has made in the...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm not sure what you mean by this. How do you intend to disallow a person's private thoughts? Making something taboo doesn't stop it. (As gay activists should know) I agree with you though, education is key.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Who defines reasonable limits? Its interpretation can also reveal things about the person reading it. This is OT though. I disagree. Ford should have been at Pride, but I don't see this as anything other than a minor nuisance. If he comes back and says he will be defunding Pride because its...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sorry, but Ford's right to hold these views is enshrined in our charter of rights and freedoms. Yes. Colloquial language is interesting, no? Thank you for proving my point. King's views on spirituality are perfectly acceptable, because they had no bearing on decisions made in office. The...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Do you not believe in freedom of conscience? Do you honestly believe that? Is your world really so black and white, that someone cannot oppose your opinion without you thinking they are a bigot? Rob Ford has made some retarded statements in the past, yes, but holding views some people find...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So then, a bigot should not be allowed to hold office. Is that the point you were trying to make? My point was that the term bigot isn't simply just the cherry-picked definition you've presented. If you want Ford to resign because you feel he is a bigot, then you must conceed that anyone with...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, basically you're cherry-picking which parts of the definition of bigot to use while insisting that Rob Ford is a proven bigot using that same definition. Has Rob Ford said he hates homosexuals? Has Rob Ford committed an act that could be brought before the human rights commission and have...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If we disallowed anyone that may fit under the dictionary definition of bigot, then I would suspect city hall would have very few people able to take office. I'm referring to leftist and coservative bigots. Are we going to disqualify people from holding an office based on your perceptions of...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ford forced the TCHC into submission, and is doing the same with Pride. edit: typo
