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  1. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Needs more 'Heritage Moment'. Still, one 'National Treasure' to another
  2. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No. Just being pissy. Sort of insulting the CBC generally and snarking the host specifically. You could hear the smirk in his whiney hoser-voice. And, also, cranking up the Doug Ford juggernaut that's about to roll into, over and through Ward 2. Likely to ensure he's early on the bandwagon. IOW...
  3. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There was a post on r/CanadaPolitics regarding Ford's passing that read, "Toronto Star reporters Robin Doolittle and Daniel Dale have blood on there (sic) hands." However, as that is a heavily moderated forum, that comment was deleted. In fact the mods there had to lock the thread, largely for...
  4. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well said, sir/madam. Regardless of his imbroglios, 46 is far too young. And this is a hell of away to go. Thinking of his kids.
  5. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There was that semi-candid soundbite Rob offered about (something like) 'a whole lot of people bigger than me'. He was likely not referring to relative tonnage.
  6. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, he does have a flotilla of lady 'Stangs he can readily summon.
  7. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Tempted. But who wants to be gutted from stem to stern by 'Adri Bisenberger'? S/He is causally committed to a discomfiting degree.
  8. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks for that. What a sly burn it was.
  9. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Probably for the best, given that the one time he did attend, 2014, he was mostly shunned. So he sloughed off to see the RedBlacks' stadium. Where he was refused admittance. So he and his posse hit the bar. Success! This meeting will be good for Tory and Tory-onto. Tory will be right at home...
  10. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Perhaps you might cast the mind's eye back to Ford's first budget. Smooth as silk, it was (rolls eyes, palms face, heads desk - the perfect trifecta).
  11. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Chris Selley is always cranky. And mostly wrong. And by revving up the resent-fueled time-machine you've managed to dredge up something which suggests you are, too. RRR is correct. Miller Time was Good Times. Toronto leapt onto the global stage (in a positive fashion). The Fordus Interuptus...
  12. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Seems like it. Inasmuch as Tory has been a 'takes two wings to fly' guy, this does seem like a 'kill two birds with one stone' kind of announcement.
  13. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    The Green P is actually a pretty neat (half)solution. Let those boats park, anywhere, there for delivery, 15 mins. max. No ticket, no tow.
  14. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Sources confirm. Perp-walk any day now. Sooooooo satisfying.
  15. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    The mayor, shirtless and oiled, on an inert snow machine pulled by the Budweiser Clysedales while he pops a glock (blanks only - This IS Toronto after all) at specifically selected non-hibernating raccoons? On ice. Under an "eight-minute fireworks display choreographed to music." Might be good...
  16. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Gotta say, Mayor JoTo's year-end interviews with local outlets were of such tenor as to suggest the 'Ford-Lite' label (no pun intended) is not entirely misplaced. He maundered on about 'coming from a place where ideas get enacted quickly' to this immense bureaucracy that stifles all the goodness...
  17. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    I expect some flim-flammery of Jakobekian proportions done right under JoTo's nose. Year 2 1/2 tops.
  18. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, were they a precursor of Billboard Liberation Front? Same thing? Anyway, image led me to the site. Now in deep. Thanks. I think... Edit: Watched the vid. Australia, late 70's-early 80s. Amazing.
  19. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Despite its hasty nature that is a very compelling, and troubling, graphic.
  20. hper

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Pretty fresh and provocative analysis, TR. However, one can see Miller (Inner and Core) as a 'sweep' of Lastman (part inner, part outer, part 'Devil You Know') and Ford was a 'Miller fatigue' reactionary response. Tory is an attempt to bring perceived middle-ness back to civic order. Though one...
