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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Interesting thought. I remember the article that said the Smith killing was "street-level." Well, maybe Ford is more embroiled in street-level stuff than any of us know at this point. But I think if I were Ford, and I had those kinds of involvements, and became aware the police were surveilling...
  2. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I too read the phrase "indicative of drug trafficking" as RoFo being involved in the actual drug operation. That, to me, is a total headscratcher. If it's true, what makes him tick? He has family wealth and he's earning a mayor's salary, he's in the public eye and he does not appear to have a...
  3. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The fact the Ford doesn't give a shit made him fairly untouchable in 2010. Those who listened to any 2010 debates may have noted how almost every question he was asked was answered with off-topic hyperbole. And when the moderator pointed out that he didn't answer the question at hand, he would...
  4. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's funny if you really look at RoFo's "waste cutting" commitments, they amount more to smoke and mirrors than to any actual beneficial systemic change. More impressive to me would be a candidate who promised to improve accountability. For example, why can't we know more about our counsillors...
  5. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes I agree it's an inefficient strategy for even the most tireless campaigner, and we all know RoFo is useless after happy hour.
  6. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Of course, no one can guarantee anything at this point. My instinct is that there's something very big going on, bigger than we know at this point, but who knows? The one thing I find encouraging is the way the cops discuss Brazen 2. They always say it's "ongoing" or that they can't comment...
  7. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You are probably right that the door-to-door visits play to Ford's comfort level. Back to brazen 2: the question I often hear asked is, "Why didn't the cops stop Ford and see what was in the packages he was exchanging with Lisi?" Well, is it possible that the cops know what was in the...
  8. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Matt Galloway interviewed the new commish yesterday morning and they talked about Brazen 2. I didn't hear it all but I did hear him say that the OPP would review the case with the crown and decide if charges are to be laid. The optimist in me hopes this means there are grounds for charges...
  9. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If memory serves, it was Shelly Carroll who said " I don't have time to even call my husband during the day, how did Ford have time to talk to Lisi eight times on the day Anthony Smith was murdered" (paraphrase). Quite a pointed remark. Someone here pointed out Lisi was making calls until 4am...
  10. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Folks, connect the dots: 1)TPS has undertaken a massive investigation featuring planes, top homicide investigators, round-the-clock surveillance and OPP involvement - loads of money spent on this 2) Lisi's ITO mentions Smith - was he extorting Smith? What's the connection? 3) An upgraded...
  11. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Fantasy? I fantasize about taking a nice vacation or retiring early one day, not about senseless murders. I hope any conection to Smith in this case is wrong, because it would just be a tragedy if right. 9 months ago, I too would have dismissed any connection - but as things become more and...
  12. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No one can be certain about the Smith situation at all, but If true, how sad that he was murdered for a digital recording that there could be - probably was - copies of. The other interesting thing to me was Price's role in going to the police with Twohey. Price knows the Fords better than...
  13. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Seems so unfathomable to us "normals" but RoFo seems like exactly the sort of person who could attract this sort of chaos. I'm more inclined to believe in a Smith connection vs. any sort of mafia criminal mastermind theory. At best, he somehow tried to obstruct justice (haven't figured out how)...
  14. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thank you for clarifying that. It is all a mystery to be sure. I just did a quick search but did not come across the police denial of the connection. Do you remember the timing/source of that? I remember a Star report saying that Smith's murder was "street-level", attributed to a source. Was...
  15. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Delurking here. The thing I often wonder is what prompted the investigation in the first place? It is said the it was the Star report of the crack video, but does that really seem like enough? Crack smoking on its own does not seem to be enough to justify the level of detail in the ITOs or the...
