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  1. Dichotomy

    Metrolinx $55 Billion Plan

    Sorry, my bad. Perhaps I should write at a Toronto Sun level so you can understand........ Economies of scale. Yes, Australia is spread out, too, but then they don't have our tundra to deal with. Gad, sometimes talking to a few of you is like trying to teach kindergarten!:rolleyes:
  2. Dichotomy

    Metrolinx $55 Billion Plan

    I can read, though. Let me spell this out for you: London, England, capital of England has 54 million people to look out for in a country that would fit in a corner of Quebec. Berlin, Germany, now capital of the united Germanies, has 90 million people to look out for in a country...
  3. Dichotomy

    Cannabis Law

  4. Dichotomy

    Metrolinx $55 Billion Plan

    Well, I hope you have someone else do your monthly budget and annual taxes. ;) London and Berlin can afford to build mega projects because the burden is spread across double the population. Try building a mile of 4-lane highway on the Canadian Shield, then compare that to building a...
  5. Dichotomy

    Metrolinx $55 Billion Plan

    Every city of 20 million has an amazing transit system: Sao Paulo, Tokyo, New York. When we get to 20 million, I am sure MetroLinx will be built. But by then, teleportation will be common..........:rolleyes:
  6. Dichotomy

    Cannabis Law

    It's currently costing the government billions of dollars in wasted money to fight the war on drugs, so in reality it would probably have a net zero affect on the budget. People get cancer from smoking cigarettes because they smoke 20 a day for years. It's not like you get cancer from a...
  7. Dichotomy

    Metrolinx $55 Billion Plan

    .... or we could invite the Americans to carpet bomb Toronto and start everything fresh, which is pretty much what happened to Berlin 60 years ago. We have to be very careful when comparing ourselves to European cities (yeah, I know, here I go again). They went through 30 years of extreme...
  8. Dichotomy

    Hume: City Building; Vancouver vs. Toronto

    Compare highway 1 through Vancouver to the exact same highway through Calgary. No comparison. Toronto had 2 million in the greater area when the 401 was built. Vancouver has not planned for that. You can gets about as far as New Westminister, then you're f$%ked. Still, my point was that...
  9. Dichotomy

    Miscellany Toronto Photographs: Then and Now

    My ex-wife's diaphram.
  10. Dichotomy

    Toronto Toronto | Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    Color me skeptical, but how much of this 'clean up' is really necessary? Like all that crap about school yard playgrounds a few years ago, I get very suspicious about the environmental industry and their agendas. There are very many vultures feeding at this trough and it is a very lucrative...
  11. Dichotomy

    Toronto 1980s

    In some ways 'post modern' design has become an amalgamation of earlier trends. To some, those designs look confused or jumbled. The beauty of Commerce Court and other '60s designs was there simplicity and the cleanliness of their lines. Although I like art deco, I find a lot of 'classic'...
  12. Dichotomy

    Harper and $80 million for Ford

    It's largely due to their protectionist policies of the '70s and '80s that finally came home to roost in the '90s. The consumer/middle class in Japan has always taken it up the butt. Forced to buy imported rice and wheat under trade rules, the Japanese government has allowed imported...
  13. Dichotomy

    Harper and $80 million for Ford

    :confused: GM is using a 2-mode system co-developed with Chrysler, BMW and Daimler. Ford 'licenses' Toyota's drive for their Escapes. My minor in university was Japanese trade practices. I wouldn't buy or drive anything from Japan if my life depended on it.
  14. Dichotomy

    Roads: Gardiner Expressway

    I've always maintained that: whatever the city says it will cost to 'tear down' the end of the Gardiner, automatically increase that by 250% and you will have a fair guesstimate. The Front St. extension went from $42M to $110M and then was scrapped. Skydome was outrageously over budget, then...
  15. Dichotomy

    Harper and $80 million for Ford

    Harper is only doing what Japan has been doing for years. Jim Press, who defected as chief of Toyota in the U.S. after 20 some odd years to work for Chrysler publicly admitted that the Toyota Synergy drive was paid for by the Japanese government. It isn't whether Ford or GM or anybody else...
  16. Dichotomy

    Globe: Gustav revives question: New Orleans worth it?

    When my mother's condo was hit by a hurricane in '96 the building had to be refaced, all her furniture was ruined (she was on the 7th floor!), the swimming pool had been swept into the ocean, the dunes were gone, windows blown in, etc. Her remarks were interesting though: 'everyone's insurance...
  17. Dichotomy

    Globe: Gustav revives question: New Orleans worth it?

    Am I the only person who was surprised that the levees haven't all been repaired by now? They've had THREE YEARS. It's not like they aren't expecting a hurricane again. This is the U.S., not Pakistan.
  18. Dichotomy

    Globe: Gustav revives question: New Orleans worth it?

    I was thinking about the costs of insurance, too - although that means EVERYONE is indirectly paying for Katrina and Gustav through our rates. Look at all the beach homes in the Carolinas that get washed away every few years, or the earthquake zones in California. There are a lot of places...
  19. Dichotomy

    Cannabis Law

    LOL There is a paradox there, no? How can we 'legalize' pot while cigarettes themselves are on the verge of being banned? I suppose if you smoked a 20 joints a day your lungs would give out too, no? Although you'd probably die happy at least! Will the government never learn...
  20. Dichotomy

    Decreased Travel and Wait Times Key to Improving Public Transit

    Right winger? That's a laugh. Just because I have a car and actually use it does not qualify me as a 'right winger.' My partner uses the system every day and it sucks. All he does is bitch about it. Plus, I can drive him to work in 30 minutes (downtown to Jane/Sheppard) in what takes him...
