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  1. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    NO it doesn't mean that. That's ludicrous. Does not wanting to make eating junkfood easier mean I'm defacto punishing fat kids? So if people take their car cause it's easier, why not help them with alternatives that are JUST as easy? Why just perpetuate something we know is not good for...
  2. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    Thanos, don't sweat's typical when proposing something that's viewed as a threat to a person's way of life to respond by REframing the arguement in a way that has NOTHING to do with what you're proposing in the first place. I'm tiring of having to defend things I never said, or even...
  3. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    I don't disagree with you...I never said I was in favour of either (1) punishing drivers or (2) of reducing capacity. I'm not...especially when a viable alternative isn't given. And I never said anything about tearing down highways, so I'm not sure why you're saying that?? I do believe that...
  4. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    Coruscanti Cognoscente, when you say that you're forced to drive and that you'd love to see the roads downtown improved too, would you not love to never have to worry about driving at all cause you could get anywhere in the region anytime? THAT'S my vision...and that vision will never happen if...
  5. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    That's a good point, Thanos...we as a region need to come together to address the problem of congestion and address it NOT by faciliating (or punishing!) drivers, but by working together to have a TRANSIT and LAND USE strategy to faciliate intra and inter regional mobility AND reverse the...
  6. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    I'm back There seems to be a misunderstanding that I want to ‘punish’ drivers b/c I don’t believe in facilitating driving. NOT wanting to make driving easier does not mean wanting to punish drivers. No where in any of my posts will you find that. I simply want the ‘emphasis’ to...
  7. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    No prob No's good to clarify...I know sometimes it's too easy to get emotional in defending what we believe in...happens to me too...and that can lead to some pretty 'mean-spirited' don't need to look far to see that too I hope I didn't say anything that...
  8. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    Thickheaded Don't call me can criticize my logic, but don't get personal. I have ideas and I'm entitled to them just as you are. You're either deliberately twisting around what I'm trying to say or misunderstanding it. I don't know which, so I'll clarify my...
  9. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    I don't agree with facilitating a mode of transport that pollutes the air I breath and causes congestion and is costly to most.
  10. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    Leapfrog was in reference mainly to the outer suburbs, but dont' kid happened in the former Metro Toronto too. If it didn't areas that were only 'now' developing would have been filled in many many years ago.
  11. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    I agree with you too on this. My 'entire' point is simply that I do not believe in 'facilitating' driving...simple...I DEFINITELY support expanding transit everywhere, but doing so in a cost-effective way, which means subways for high density, LRT for medium and bus for low UNTIL densities...
  12. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    I agree. But I don't agree with making driving easier.
  13. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City more post...are you serious! Move into a freakin apartment closer to doesn't have to be 'right' bunkbeds and share a room...! Just think of the money you'd save without the car...stop the violins, 'do' have a choice...! Okay...
  14. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    Brief for now I'm at work so will be brief in this post, but if your family chose to buy and live in the suburbs, then they DID have a hand in supporting the sprawling crap. So they should live with their choice! As for you, I don't know...I don't know how old you are, so you may be too...
  15. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    I know you're not, Enviro...neither am I actually in the appropriate application...I wouldn't want to be rushed to the hospital waiting for a bus... ;) And I wouldn't expect a farmer to be penalized b/c in his/her case they 'really' don't have a 'reasonable' choice to get around, and so...
  16. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    Really? No choice! So the poor suburbanites didn't have a choice in where they live? Really? How so exactly? Where you choose to live reflects your 'chosen' lifestyle. I've had enough conversations with enough suburbanites to know that they'll defend the car and big houses and malls...
  17. D

    Toronto Toronto | CHAZ | 150.87m | 47s | 45 Charles Ltd | P + S / IBI

    Yikes! Geezus...maybe I shouldn't say anything...! Just kidding...of course I will...I was born with a mouth so I'll use it!...oh wait...I'm on a mouth will do me no good here... ...okay, how about 'fingers' then...I was born with them and I'll use them, dammit! ;) But...
  18. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    I probably should have highlighted this in my last post...
  19. D

    Downtown-Wide 'Transportation Study' Planned by City

    There's a misunderstanding if you think I took issue with reducing road space, creating physically separate bike lanes on every arterial road, and widening sidewalks...I never said that...those are all good ideas which I support entirely. My point is simply that with limited resources and...
