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  1. D

    Toronto Toronto | Velocity at the Square | 122.52m | 40s | HNR | P + S / IBI

    If you cared to simply ask, you'd know that my comment refers to the references made to 'economic' reasons as the main consideration for determining whether something has comment didn't refer only to this buildng, but instead refered to a way of thinking that will lead to a 'gradual'...
  2. D

    Toronto Toronto | Velocity at the Square | 122.52m | 40s | HNR | P + S / IBI

    Careful, jje1000...Ramako might take your comment out of context (as he did with mine) and suggest - through a funny, yet disparate cartoon - that you're just a latte sipping bicycle riding pinko all because you believe - as I do - that preserving our history for it's own sake has value.
  3. D

    Toronto Toronto | Velocity at the Square | 122.52m | 40s | HNR | P + S / IBI

    I don't recall reading anywhere in his post that he said Toronto IS like that...I think he's concerned that we don't become that...hence the, "...race to the bottom..." reference.
  4. D

    Toronto Toronto | Velocity at the Square | 122.52m | 40s | HNR | P + S / IBI

    Well said Nicely put, Redroom...and as much as I wish you were wrong, I think you're right... ...our single-minded (mindless?) society will be interesting readings for future (lets hope more enlightened) history students...
  5. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What a surprise Also not surprising is that he can't even get it right...wasn't it, "Just watch me"...but of course those kinds of details/truths rarely matter for the oversimplified approach of many on the right... ...and 'frog'? Wow! Isn't there some suburban redneck forum for you...
  6. D

    How Skyscrapers Can Save the City

    Good obervations Forget the mostly irrelevent comments made about your reference to Milton/70's...your preceding statements hit the nail on the's density AND design together that make a city livable.
  7. D

    Greater Toronto's Sprawl

    Care to elaborate?
  8. D

    Canada's Constitution Fuels Urban Crisis

    He said that, "only six cents of every Canadian tax dollar is spent on cities"...he didn't say that, "only six cents of every Canadian tax dollar is spent on PEOPLE LIVING IN cities".
  9. D

    Cities are the best invention (Upcoming Lecture)

    I missed that...maybe I can catch it online, but I'd like to see him interviewed on The Agenda for a more in depth discussion...sounds like his agent has him booked to promote the book, so maybe he'll find his way to tvo soon.
  10. D

    Cities are the best invention (Upcoming Lecture)

    Not sure where to post this, but I got invited and thought others may be interested (should we have another section entitled 'academic' or 'lecture' or 'books' or something of that nature IF this isn't in the right section?). Hope Ford attends...despite the price (which seems steep to me)...
  11. D

    Toronto Toronto | Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

    Similar Sorry to hear, Cal and Tall...I'm also trying to escape the burbs, but it's true that it's much easier said than done... :(
  12. D

    Toronto Toronto | One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

    You sound just like a friend of mine from Brooklyn who once said the same thing about the Canadian financial system...
  13. D

    Toronto The New Residences of Yorkville Plaza | 92.05m | 31s | Camrost-Felcorp | WZMH COMPLETE

    Maybe it 'does' mean something Maybe this 'does' reflect something... ;)
  14. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    YA, from Ford's perspective, isn't a building just another weapon in the war on the car?! ;)
  15. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    Huh? Isn't that the idea? I agree that, "Instead of relying on parking for the automobile, they should be emphasizing the public transit available to reach their store"...that would help a lot...that's a design issue, one which needs more attention in the mainstream media...retrofiting the...
  16. D

    Toronto vs Montreal 30+

    Other cities too What would also be interesting is a cross country comparison...even a North American one.
  17. D

    Toronto Toronto | St Lawrence Market North | 25.3m | 5s | City of Toronto | Rogers Stirk Harbour

    Question Sounds to me like he's asking a question? Even if he's implying Ford might cut it, wasn't that part of his platform? So why blame someone for thinking something that fits perfectly with Ford's agenda...Ford shaped his own perception...the poster is just responding to that.
  18. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Don't ya love the symbolism, huh?
  19. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He'll be so proud Note the last point...he'll be sooo proud...makes me sick. If all the leftist pinkos weren't too hungover tomorrow, they could all show up on their bikes sipping lattes... ;) As to the thread, I sincerely hope what your forecast comes true...Vauhgan would be a good 'fill...
  20. D

    G-20 Summit in Toronto

    Thank you,'re point was not to offend anyone, but simply to point out - as you already indicated - that it can be way to easy for us to forget certain lessons of history, and thereby repeat them. I recently heard about an article (which I'm hoping to find) about a...
