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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sorry to highlight a typo most likely due to autocorrect - but "mayoral camping" definitely seems like a good description of what Ford has been doing in the past few weeks.
  2. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    For UTers who work out... (From the Post article) Is bench pressing 1200 pounds something that is physically possible to do at all, and if so, a recommended activity for someone who is as clearly out of shape as Ford? Or is that comment just another example of how Doug Ford is...
  3. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Especially when preceded by this:
  4. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I first read this to mean that CP24 managed to interview Ford himself, but I suppose it probably means they're interviewing the Ford-spotters.
  5. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My thoughts exactly.
  6. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    At this point, I've decided that the most likely explanation for the Tim Horton's incident is that the teenager and the two Timmy's employees were mistaken about seeing Rob - but that Doug is lying about being there anyway. It doesn't make any sense, but he does it because he's a compulsive liar.
  7. T

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Speaking for myself: NOPE. Weak and boring wins out over weak and criminal in my personal calculus of voting intention.
  8. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Oh, me too, and I agree about what Morris is trying to do. May his attempt prove wildly unsuccessful.
  9. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't know why the Fords need the media to expose the dealers, though. Presumably Rob Ford knows who he gets his crack from.
  10. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sounds like two different events. The Sun article is Ford being crude in a bar; here's an excerpt from the Globe:
  11. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I do hope that the city's collective attitude is that Ford's decision to take a break now is a day late and a dollar short.
  12. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Although I'm disappointed by the Lisi trial date (and feeling gloomy about this election in general), I have to highlight this gem of an error from the Globe & Mail:
  13. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm sure that the documents will reflect serious concerns about his character and associations and how those might impact the kids in his 'care'. I just don't expect to see evidence or rumours that he was either involving them in criminal activity or physically or sexually abusing them.
  14. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Maybe I'm being naive, here. But if there was any inkling that any of these activities were going on, surely someone in the school who's a mandated reporter would have heard about it, and would have had a legal obligation to bring it to the police or CAS, even if the school board didn't? And if...
  15. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, now I'm just scratching my head. This is my 'hood too, and I'm sure he hasn't been there for the opening of every store so far. Why the Teriyaki Experience and not, say, the Target? (I realize that there is probably no answer that question that will make sense to anyone not in the Ford...
  16. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "Folks, we've always been at war with Eastasia!" Floats through my mind every time Doug disavows something.
  17. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Whoops - the contracting out of garbage services happened to coincide with me entering into a lease where I had to get garbage tags from my landlord, where previously it hadn't been an issue I had to worry about. Apparently as a result I conflate contracting out with user fees being brought in...
  18. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But in the mysterious world of municipal finances, it appears that if a thing is not being paid for with property taxes, it counts as a "savings".
  19. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Unfortunately, I think that in the context of the lack of charges, the issues like his associations with drug dealers and organized crime are going to be portrayed as untrue by him and his campaign, and it will be effective. Given seven months for Ford to spin that message - and his strange...
  20. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I hope so too, but at this point I'm feeling awfully pessimistic. No matter how egregious his actions, he never seems to face real consequences. It baffles me.
