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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Exactly. I'm all for catching Rob Ford in lies but there is no shortage of them in which catching him in them doesn't also include the further destruction of the reputation of a girl who, as another commenter mentioned, is essentially his collateral damage. I'm willing to let this one go and...
  2. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And THIS!
  3. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

  4. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Which is all fair except it's not the case for a lot of that discussion. Go back to when that picture was posted. There has been an ongoing, very prominent discussion parallel to the discussion about his behaviour, that is still ongoing, that started with a long discussion about her wearing...
  5. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And that's my whole point - ever since that stag party picture was posted that's ALL that's been happening, with the odd sop to "it reflects on his judgment" thrown in to cover for the fact that it's been almost wholly a discussion of what kind of woman she is.
  6. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Anyway I'm not going to speak any more to that topic unless new information comes out because I don't want to get drawn into a whole discussion about what's in or out of bounds. It's beside the point. For two days I haven't seen a discussion about Ford's moral compass or his judgment. I've...
  7. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No but NOT exactly. That's not what you said.
  8. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes, judgment is fair game, which is why this was one more interesting and important tidbit (rumour really considering the lack of corroboration on this one) to add to the pile. A two day discussion with pages upon pages trying to define what a sex worker is is just ridiculous. And creepy...
  9. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Really? You want to start factoring in EVERY MORAL LAPSE as a failure of leadership? To paraphrase a not terrible movie, Hitler never looked at another woman after Eva Braun, and some of the greatest leaders - FDR, Kennedy (arguably as far as greatness three years is a short time), etc. fucked...
  10. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Argh I've been trying to ignore this Alana discussion for two days. Even if she is a sex worker and even if he did have her in his office and even if she was his connection (all of which, I might add, is based on the speculation of one of his staffers and a few pictures of her in lingerie dug...
  11. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Think there's ANY way I can take any credit for this? Hahaha
  12. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    From the city's manager of elections services: So being on TV makes you immune to laws pertaining to being on TV, apparently. At least by this elections manager's interpretation. How becoming a celebrity by being in office makes you unaccountable to laws that to me would seem to be geared...
  13. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah I dug it up and sent the situation over. Maybe they'll take it pro bono haha.
  14. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    AND it appears that even if Ford Nation contravenes campaign laws there's nothing to be done to halt it in time short of a lawsuit. From the Elections Coordinator: So huzzah, I can either wait until it's too late and ask for an audit or I can try a long and costly lawsuit that would take too...
  15. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hah someone just sent this to me. AMAZING how much of it would apply today. Replace the stuff about "Orientals" with stuff about crack and it could have been written yesterday:
  16. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If anyone's interested here's the post regarding Rob Ford's illegal infomercial last night on Sun News and the formal complaint that I filed with the City of Toronto: Rob Ford Broke Several More Laws Last Night And Queen Bathurst Has Filed A Complaint With The City Of Toronto
  17. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There is NO WAY that could possibly be classified as a news broadcast.
  18. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

  19. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thank you!
  20. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I did catch Ezra Levant pimping his hardest for Ford. Like I said, even one mention of the campaign. Please someone post about it.
