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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. urbanfan89

    Harper Proroguing Parliament again

    I'm not so certain. By then Canadians will have had a month's notice that people are complaining about politicians not being at work. They more they see CPC politicians in Vancouver, the more they will be reminded they are not at work.
  2. urbanfan89

    Where's the federal public transit money?

    The money originally destined for building transit somehow ended up in Zurich or Bermuda bank accounts.
  3. urbanfan89

    Harper Proroguing Parliament again

    Life goes on, Olympics or no Olympics. The Italian parliament didn't shut down during the 2006 Turin games. The Greek parliament didn't shut down during the 2004 Athens games. The US Congress didn't shut down during the 2002 Salt Lake games. Not even the rubber-stamp National People's...
  4. urbanfan89

    Harper Proroguing Parliament again

    All the parties have proven themselves to be opportunists and unprincipled. They'll do anything for their own power. The Governor General prorogued parliament last December, and this December too. And no, Parliament cannot be closed indefinitely, since by law it has to meet at least once a...
  5. urbanfan89

    Harper Proroguing Parliament again

    What has Justin Trudeau done on his own without relying on daddy's coattails? I don't think Canadians appreciate political families.
  6. urbanfan89

    Downsview Airport (YZD)

    Downtown Toronto is just beside the Toronto Islands Airport. There already is a monorail at the YYZ terminals. All they have to do is extend it to the Eglinton Subway line if/when it gets built. I'm still dying to see how 777s and A380s are going to provide flights from Downsview to Paris or...
  7. urbanfan89

    Switzerland Minarets Laws

    And that is relevant how?
  8. urbanfan89

    What! Canada's male to female ratios!

    This ratio has always occurred in history. Perhaps it's natural selection, because men are more likely to die at a younger age. This explains why the ratio evens out at older ages.
  9. urbanfan89

    Kitchener-Hamilton Rail Connection

    This is going off a tangent, but China is building two tiers of high speed railways. One is the Passenger Dedicated Line system, which will be for long distance express trains on major corridors such as Beijing - Shanghai, Beijing - Wuhan - Hong Kong, Shanghai - Wuhan - Chongqing, etc. The other...
  10. urbanfan89

    'Absolute bedlam' on Pearson's busiest day

    That's true. But Canada has plenty of available room and resources, and we're not exactly Hong Kong. I haven't heard of anyone in Canada/US/Europe arguing for restrictions on immigration in order to keep the middle class in China/India/Philippines at home. In fact immigration has helped them...
  11. urbanfan89

    'Absolute bedlam' on Pearson's busiest day

    About a century ago, which is not so long by historic standards, people around the world were generally free to move anywhere they pleased, and passports and visas were not used to restrict movement. It's in this time that "new" countries like Canada, US, Australia received the most immigrants...
  12. urbanfan89

    The need for private mass transit in the GTA

    The TTC is an essential service. It's not a money-making organization. Because it has a mandate to serve all parts of the city, its emphasis will be on coverage rather than profitability. As a result, some neighbourhoods *will* either have loss-making routes or have no transit altogether. This...
  13. urbanfan89

    Downsview Airport (YZD)

    It's too late for that. Madrid Barajas Airport has stolen that market. YYZ could become a hub for those travelling between Europe and less important US cities without immigration facilities, and thus need to use the preclearance US customs facilties.
  14. urbanfan89

    Downsview Airport (YZD)

    The population/airport ratio is not relevant. What matters is how well the population is served. Tokyo (population 30 million or so) has Haneda (domestic, and some flights to China and Korea), Narita (international), and two newly built airports which were make-work projects which see very few...
  15. urbanfan89

    Downsview Airport (YZD)

    So, if Downsview is used as a commercial airport, the GTA will have four or five commercial airports: YYZ, Hamilton, Toronto Islands, Downsview, and Pickering if it ever goes forward. Are we *that* pretentious about our status we need to have as many airports as NYC or London and more...
  16. urbanfan89

    Downsview Airport (YZD)

    But what about the fixed cost of moving to Brampton or Oshawa? Will Bombardier decide it's cheaper to move out of the GTA entirely and build a new plant in China, where they already have extensive operations? It's far better to have Bombardier to assemble planes in Downsview and have residents...
  17. urbanfan89

    TTC York University BRT

    How long would this entire process have taken if it was a City of Toronto streets project, rather than a TTC "rapid transit" project? Two months? Three months? Only in Toronto would paving a mile and a half of new road and installing a few lights take years.
  18. urbanfan89

    Disappearing Subway Maps

    Perhaps TTC management is suddenly embarrassed at the pitiful size of the network, so the maps are being disappeared, Stalin-style.
  19. urbanfan89

    What would you change if you were the chairman of the TTC?

    They might work back then, but today we are much more aggressive and gritty today and there will be plenty of crackheads who won't be pushed around by a gracious lady in a neat uniform. Any TTC guides will have to be big, burly bar bouncers. Imagine this, wearing a red uniform instead:
  20. urbanfan89

    Anti Public Transit article....

    If it's a Public Private Partnership, then the TTC will be involved in every step of the process. At this point the TTC would be risking billions of dollars in order to guarantee profits for the consortium. If, say, ridership on the Eglinton Line were not to reach expectations, the TTC would be...
