News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't get it. I remember ManuvSteele being a Ford supporter, why would he add to Ford's problems?
  2. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Great, I'll be waiting. Until then, what you said is a lie. By the way, do you have any proof that they followed him to the cottage? I mean, other than Doug Ford's word, that is worth jack squat.
  3. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I sincerely thought you were referring to them publishing a video about it, exactly because that's the point I brought - people like you say there are so many examples of The Star publishing this sort of thing and never provide anything other than the only example there is. Feel free to prove...
  4. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, which one is it?
  5. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I was asking CowboyLogic about the video of Rob Ford at this cottage, that he said the Star has published.
  6. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Can you link me to that video? I must have missed that.
  7. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not to mention that the phrase is always "they resort constantly to low-blow, TMZ-style videos like the KFC one"... but there is not a single additional example of that. I don't know, I thought "constantly" meant something else.
  8. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not to mention the fact that by saying "if you're not gay, you won't get AIDS" he seems to mean that if people don't want to get AIDS, they should just not be gay, like it's a choice.
  9. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hardly. "Why would I resign? I get phone calls and e-mail from hundreds of people telling me to keep doing what I'm doing, keeping taxes low, etc, etc..." Go ahead and tell me you can't hear him saying it.
  10. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You're a month late.
  11. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Are we really depending of him making such a mistake now? i.e. going to that house? If that's the case we're screwed.
  12. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This iPhone keeps getting smaller and smaller... maybe it's a different mini iPhone we've never heard of. The Star must be behind that.
  13. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I know that no one cares anymore, but I think it's fun. Finally there's an update on the website: Something happened in the past two days (thanks to someone powerful in Toronto and someone powerful in Ottawa) that has essentially destroyed my life. For practicing journalism...
  14. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Quick update: that dude said he had screenshots from the video scheduled to be up today, 2:30pm. No such thing happened. Now he just stopped posting and removed the post where he announced that. So, yeah, "full of shit" it is.
  15. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Now the guy posted a pic of an iPhone saying that this is the iPhone. You know, the one. Jesus, either this guy is a complete lunatic or he will be in the news very soon. Edit: it's an iPhone 3GS. If the video was shot using that iPhone, it's not in high-def, it goes against everything that was...
  16. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hi guys and girls, this is another one of the week-old lurkers. I signed up basically to ask something that I didn't think it was asked today: what was the big news release from the Police? Did it happen? Was it the G20 thing? That has absolutely zero to do with the Rob Ford case. In regards to...
