News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | The Augustana | 96m | 30s | Pangman | DIALOG

    I really like that podium 👍
  2. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Roxy Theatre Rebuild | ?m | 2s | Theatre Network | Group2

    So that corner, when it's done . . . The new Roxy, Duchess, Northern Chicken, Three Vikings, Irrational Brewing in Substation #600, and with Arcadia and RNG RD and other great eateries within arms length . . .This is looking like quite the power intersection. Just wish there was more...
  3. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Prairie Sky Gondola | 76.2m | ?s | Prairie Sky | DIALOG

    Agreed. Going that route in a middle of winter would be such a beautiful ride, especially over the river. It also contributes to the Winter City idea, and keeps people/tourists coming and going from Whyte (business-friendly idea). Put the old school train car away, get something modern on the...
  4. Omega Prime


    Arc Studio is an architecture, urban design and planning company currently located in Glenora in a renovated older low-density commercial building. Maybe they're building a new office location with their own signature architecture style?
  5. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Manchester Square | ?m | 2s | 76 Group Co | Gardner Architecture

    It's important to remember that what is there is there now, and dwelling on what could have been is a futile effort. It's here and it's here to stay for a while. Instead, lets see the community impact this has, and hopefully developers improve on the architecture/design/function as needed based...
  6. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Manchester Square | ?m | 2s | 76 Group Co | Gardner Architecture

    One thing I like about Manchester as well is that - if it's successful - it has the potential to generate foot traffic along 107th and into the main intersection area with 124th. This intersection is becoming an important throughput for cars and pedestrians, and should serve to boost commercial...
  7. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Manchester Square | ?m | 2s | 76 Group Co | Gardner Architecture

    Not going to lie, when most of those CRU's are full, I'm probably going to find myself there. And with a brewery available, I'm sure multiple times. Still find it funny that the only breweries in the neighborhood worth going to (Arcadia, Odd Company, and soon-to-be Irrational Brewing) are not...
  8. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Army & Navy Redevelopment | ?m | 6s | Edgar

    I like it - particularly the low-rise, subtle street focused commercial use with the use of brick on the envelope of the new structures. Additionally, the updated façade of the corner building to white gives it a fresh, vibrant feel. It looks cleaner, smarter, and more inviting.
  9. Omega Prime


    Does this mean Evolve is leaving that space?
  10. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    When you say it like that, it seemed so easy all along.
  11. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Garneau 79/109 | 14m | 4s | Altawest | MoDA

    Do not get discouraged. Edmonton needs more MoDA projects, and people here want them too. Edmonton is ripe for interesting architecture and great design, especially low-rise creativity. Looking forward to new designs down the line!
  12. Omega Prime

    Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary Hyperloop | ?m | ?s | Transpod

    Cool to see the government in support, but I believe the previous government was also in support - at least for a test track somewhere between Calgary and Red Deer (if I recall correctly). Additionally, with the land leasing/purchasing, logistics, infrastructure and startup costs, I have big...
  13. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | 14 | ?m | 3s | St. George Edmonton | OCI architecture

    I tend to forget about this project due to the volume of other projects ongoing at the moment, but this one gets me excited everything I see it, and in particular because it's a low-rise, unconventional build on such a major roadway. Does anyone know if there been any interior renderings released?
  14. Omega Prime

    Edmonton | Iron Horse Line / Station Park | ?m | 6s | Beljan Development | Hodgson Schilf Evans

    Yes! This is the kind of vital design we need approaching Whyte/Old Strathcona. This is such a critical aretery for visitors to our city, we need them to see that this area is vibrant, eclectic, and inviting with progressive design. This would also be a great 'linear' compliment to the extended...
