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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. D

    2023 Predictions

    Sorry is this happening in McCauley? I hadn't heard about any of these
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    I could be wrong, but I don't believe that building is equipped to handle anything food related. A lot of money would probably have to be invested in bringing up to where it needs to be and it seems like the owner is not interested in putting money into the building. Pure speculation on my part...
  3. D

    Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary Hyperloop | ?m | ?s | Transpod

    I don't share your fear here. There are groups of companies/investors with capital that are focused on HSR (and more and more are paying attention to North America as a growth area) that have experience in the area and have virtually zero interest in Hyperloops. The capital that would support...
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    Oh nice!! I love that Beljan is clearly committed to the area. Best developer in town in my opinion
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    Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary Hyperloop | ?m | ?s | Transpod

    well, saying you would expect it to be a boondoggle doesn't necessarily indicated the most open of minds ;-) But I know you are far more thoughtful in your criticisms than most. There seem to be some on here who think we should shoot this thing down asap just because it is an unproven technology...
  6. D

    Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary Hyperloop | ?m | ?s | Transpod

    Don't get me wrong, a healthy dose of skepticism is good. I don't disagree that HSR appears to make a lot more sense. But why not give this group a chance to present to city council, which they are apparently doing in February? When I said details I didn't mean traffic counts between cgy and...
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    Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary Hyperloop | ?m | ?s | Transpod

    yet the lack of details isn't stopping many from panning this right from the get go.
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    Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary Hyperloop | ?m | ?s | Transpod

    Why not welcome the company to build a test track? As far as I know that's the first step being proposed and (presumably) said company isn't about to pump billions of dollars into building infrastructure between Edmonton and Calgary unless it has solid proof of concept. I guess I just don't...
  9. D

    Edmonton | 124 Westmount | ?m | 2s | Beljan Development | Dub Architects

    I think they've had a lot of break-ins and thefts at their other businesses, which is sad to see. I really hope they pull through
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    what group is behind this renovation? I like it
  11. D

    Edmonton | 124 Westmount | ?m | 2s | Beljan Development | Dub Architects

    Mostly residential north of 111 ave so I hope they don't just continue the very simple sidewalk renewal they did north of 111 ave. It's simple and quite nice but if the CoE cheaps out on the 'main drag' of 124st it'll just be another missed opportunity. Let's step it up a notch if we really...
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    Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary Hyperloop | ?m | ?s | Transpod

    Dream big, it's the most Edmonton thing you can do *eyeroll* yeah the Model-T sure never did anything for the world. I'm sure Michigan laughed at Ford and ridiculed his unproven technology too. An open mind is too much to ask for in this city sometimes. Come to this city only if you bring ideas...
  13. D

    Edmonton | 124 Westmount | ?m | 2s | Beljan Development | Dub Architects

    And soooooooooo much potential for this on 124 street. Virtually the entire street, on both sides, is ripe for redevelopment over the next few decades. I expect this area to change (in a good way) significantly in the coming years. The corner I'm most interested in is the Alldritt owned property...
  14. D

    Edmonton | The Mercury Block | 21.7m | 6s

    Would love to see something like the Alt in the East Village in Calgary. I think the area is still a few years away but if development continues as it is now I think sooner or later someone will take a chance on a hotel in the area. Esp with the LRT providing easy access to dt in a few years.
  15. D

    Edmonton | The Mercury Block | 21.7m | 6s

    Not in this building, but the area really does need a hotel. We live in Westmount and there's nothing nearby for friends to stay at unless they do Airbnb. Off topic, I know, sorry :-)
  16. D

    EllisDon to Lead Prairie Link High-Speed Rail Partners - Edm-RD-Cal

    Yes they would cost more, and would have to be included in the overall cost for the project of course, but land acquisition/expropriation would be much less of a challenge outside of urban areas. If the province hadn't set the 5% of urban land aside a project like this may become near impossible.
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    EllisDon to Lead Prairie Link High-Speed Rail Partners - Edm-RD-Cal

    As far as I know, the province has ensured that land in the cities has been set aside. I'm not sure about beyond the cities though
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    EllisDon to Lead Prairie Link High-Speed Rail Partners - Edm-RD-Cal

    and would probably double in value in a couple of decades. One jurisdiction (unlike two between Montreal and Toronto), mostly flat, much of the land already set aside... this is attractive to private capital and will move forward in due course, I have no doubt.
  19. D

    Jasper Avenue New Vision / Imagine Jasper Avenue

    If it is I'm going to lose my sh*t. But I believe there was some money for 'sidewalk renewal' (which Karen Principe tried to have removed) which may include this. I'm not sure though, tbh
  20. D

    EllisDon to Lead Prairie Link High-Speed Rail Partners - Edm-RD-Cal

    The cost would probably fall somewhere between $20b - $30b now. But significant chunks could likely be covered by private equity and public bodies like the Canada Infrastructure Bank.
