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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. Agram

    Mystery Toronto Subway Lines?

    What do you mean before getting caught? Are you telling me that you actually go into the tunnel and take pictures. PLease STOP STOP doing that, you are putting your self at risk. YOu have no idea what kind of dangerous exposed wires are laying around. The stupid tunnels you people are talking...
  2. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    The gangways were dangerous and have to be re-designed. When the train goes into a turn the bottom plates raise up about a good 2 inches which is a serious problem. The interior is pretty much the same but the one we were on every thing looked shabby and cheap. The best part of this train might...
  3. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    No new news on a new door manufacturer but this should not stop them from making the trains. Doors can be put on later, I just hope they do not "x" amount of this style and "y" amount of new gets confusing and a pain in the arss when you have to fix them. As for the screens Im...
  4. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    The TR we were on had nothing actually connected, the LCD screens were not put in at that time. I would not get too excited about those LCD screens, they sound good but in all reality they are a waste of $$$. Whats going to happen they will be scratched and busted so its just another piece of...
  5. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    The new trains will be here by June/July the latest with another few months of testing they will be in service for say around October give or take a few weeks here and there. As of now Wilson complex is not complete so it really does not matter if we had the trains because we could not service...
  6. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    I guess I did :cool: But seriously some of you make it sound like its the TTC's fault the trains are late. When they finally arrive they will be tested by us for at least a few months. Wilson complex is no where of being finished, the mechanics as far as I know have not been schooled on the...
  7. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    As for the windows, I thought they were going to have openable windows... oh well why would you want to open up a window in the tunnel, so you can smell the nice brake dust may be lol There is no way we are going to be riding the new trains any time soon, trains have to be tested people...
  8. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Nope, stay tuned.
  9. Agram

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    We should be getting a mock up streetcar soon for the public to see what they will look like.
  10. Agram

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    Also notice the windows, they are original ones which can not be opened:rolleyes: We had to completely retrofit those windows, that was a bad design.
  11. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Speaking of the subway chimes here is a little fact: The door chime on the subway is the first three notes from the Sesame Street theme song. :D
  12. Agram

    Toronto's Subway Stations Severely Neglected

    Well if it goes out to tender, these things take a few months. Major work requires a budget, if it is not factored in this year they have to wait till next year. Its a big system, all projects are put on a priority basis.
  13. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    love the H Series, they're well built, reliable(Hey they're still here and work just as well as they did 30 years ago) and they make awesome sounds. Reliable? You are kidding right? We only use them in rush hour service because they only last a few hours on the line! :D They are old, no parts...
  14. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Have you guys ever dreamed of driving the Toronto Rocket or being the conductor!! ... cause i have i always did the hand jestures while i sleep sometimes! You mean the "Guard".....we dont have conductors You should be dreaming of girls buddy not being a driver with TTC ;) Now mind you...
  15. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Trains are delayed because the door manufacturer for the new TR has gone bankrupt. We should see the trains around Spetember and hopefully in service by Christmas time.
  16. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    it's the extra capacity of the new trains which is important right now. Please share with us the extra capacity numbers!
  17. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    plus five days with a divisional trainer, another operator, while they critique you Drivers need this extra training ;)........Maintenance workers do not
  18. Agram

    Toronto | 1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Its a 3 week course which is done by our training department [OTC] the only qualifications you need are a valid drivers lic. As for H6 trains, they are also slated to be phased out along with the H5 trains as we get more deliveries of the new TR trains.
  19. Agram

    Vintage TTC Farebox

    Here is all the info on the farebox.
  20. Agram

    Vintage TTC Farebox

    Yes it is the old ones with the handle on the side, in the days when drivers use to give out change and sell tickets. I'll post a picture of it. Speaking of fareboxes the current ones will be updated, there is going to be a new head on them which will be able to scan those...
