I want to update a map I made for the HLRT copypasting the roundel of this photo. Considering different lighting affects shades of colors in photos, does anyone think it would be premature to use it for a Wikipedia upload? Should I wait for an official non-photo version?
Not as significant as two rail stations though. But IMO, I don't see having a "subway" station in Toronto and a GO station in Brampton having the same name as a problem.
And get rid of the core route. It's not BT's mandate to serve York Region beyond getting people to the subway. And with the fare integration, there would be no double fare for the subway to York U or YRT routes at VMC or Pioneer Village.
Line 10. Ugh! :( Why not rename the Yonge-University subway Line 11-11A while you're at it?
Even if "Hazel McCallion Line" is ever changed, I know what most people now won't call it...
Why would the temporary routing only go as far as York St? Should it go all the way to Spadina for construction at Osgoode station? Will that be done as a later phase?
I was referring to the area where the names overlap (i.e: here). The reason Second Line was butchered was to preserve Meadowvale Village: They didn't want to widen it to six lanes through it, and with Mavis so close it was reasonable to bypass it. I agree with you regarding Creditview though...