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  1. E

    High Speed Rail: London - Kitchener-Waterloo - Pearson Airport - Toronto

    OK, now I'm confused. I have read it was $3 billion for a direct Toronto-Montreal link, or $4 billion if electrified. Ridership would be 7 million in 15 years. I am now reading there is a plan for a $4 billion Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec link, or $6 billion if electrified, but with...
  2. E

    High Speed Rail: London - Kitchener-Waterloo - Pearson Airport - Toronto

    Yeah, concentrate on things that can get funded and actually built. Somehow I'm thinking though it'd be potentially easier to fund a dedicated regular rail line between Toronto and Montreal for $3 billion than high speed at $10 billion through Ottawa. A this point, I'd take what we can get...
  3. E

    High Speed Rail: London - Kitchener-Waterloo - Pearson Airport - Toronto

    It may not be an hour delay, but it would be a 30+ minute delay or over 3 hours total trip time, which would make it rather uninteresting for those traveling between Toronto to Montreal, when a much cheaper solution for a dedicated direct line from Toronto to Montreal would only take 3.5 hours...
  4. E

    High Speed Rail: London - Kitchener-Waterloo - Pearson Airport - Toronto

    Yet, Via already has a dedicated Toronto-Montreal line. Going through Ottawa with a stop at Ottawa would delay things considerably. Others have predicted that a 260 km/hr direct Toronto-Montreal express HSR line would be a 2.5 hour trip. This would essentially be impossible from what I gather if...
  5. E

    High Speed Rail: London - Kitchener-Waterloo - Pearson Airport - Toronto

    Me too. However, I'd prefer to have a direct Toronto - Montreal line available actually.
  6. E

    Toronto Toronto | Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Ah yes, confirmed. I took a couple of pix.
  7. E

    Toronto Toronto | Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    A whole bunch of trees were cut down on the north side of Eglinton at Sloane. Are they widening the road or the sidewalk, or is it just for construction purposes? The stop will be in the middle. I'll check the exact location again to be sure, but IIRC, the trees cut down would be the ones in...
  8. E

    Debate on the merits of the Scarborough Subway Extension

    Oops. Wrong thread. Please delete.
  9. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    You know the Toronto real estate market is getting out of hand when which is a Millenial oriented joke, fail video, and meme site in the US, posts this as a joke: BTW, the intensification initiatives in the outer 416 seem to be working. A Starbucks just opened up on...
  10. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    I don't see this relationships scenario as being much different than the situation in the 90s. We're not talking about 1950s.
  11. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    In my case, I plan to move out in my retirement, yes. But even then, that's a very long time from now. Weathering 12 years of a real estate dip if it happens won't be an issue. As for renting vs a mortgage, for a detached home renting would be cheaper because I would rent a smaller home with a...
  12. E

    Is my superintendent getting paid too much?

    Depends on the super and the work involved. He may be grossly overpaid. Or he may actually be underpaid. Or he may be appropriately paid, since sometimes you get what you pay for. For my apt building our super was pretty bad. One day I saw him come in with an entire CASE of whiskey. And yes, I...
  13. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    I'm no expert but: - It is not just Home Capital. - Their major mortgage business is subprime. - In the subprime market, Home Capital is a major player. - A large portion of those mortgages are 1-2 year terms. - Some of the mortgages were obtained through fraud. - Big banks don't like subprime...
  14. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    The part you are missing is that the market can be quite irrational. Indeed, the reason why Home Capital is in such deep trouble is because there has been a run on the bank based on fear with people clearing out their accounts. By the descriptions of the fundamentals Home Capital should have...
  15. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    The CEO of HOOPP went on BNN to discuss this, so I guess I wasn't the only one concerned. He says that for ever $1 of loan provided, $2 of mortgages were used as collateral. Furthermore, approximately the mortgages are about 70% of the value of the homes, which according to him means that each...
  16. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    It should be noted they have a ton of super high (by 2017 standards) interest GICs that will be maturing soon, approximately $600 million per month. Given all the fear around this company, that $13 billion worth of assets Home Capital has could be wiped out completely in just a couple of years...
  17. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    What? SFHs are definitely not immune, and I say that as an owner of a SFH. I'm just as concerned about what this means for HOOPP, the pension plan that decided to prop them up, for a price. Apparently HOOPP negotiated some really high interest rates for their loan to the tune of $2 billion (out...
  18. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    Inflation plus 2% discourages upgrades for example.
  19. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    I too would like to see price stagnation for several years or even a mild drop. A major free fall would be a disaster. Those who can't buy a home now might just be out of a job if real estate dropped 50% all of a sudden. Interestingly though, if they did drop 50%, prices would be where they...
  20. E

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    Panic selling? Nah, just the opposite: Cashing out / profit taking, when prices have reached shocking heights. Is this the peak? Well, maybe so, or maybe not, but either way the prices now are super high so if you cash out (and downsize) you'd be doing well.
