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  1. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well said Ramako! I was resolute when I left the suburbs and moved to Toronto that I would never go back to the small-minded hypocrisy of the neighbourhood I grew up in. The Toronto that I've lived in everyday has actually been pretty amazing, regardless of who my councillor or mayor has been...
  2. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Good question! I'm still trying to figure that out. I see that he's expanded his platform from when last I looked at it, and now he may just be the next best thing to Soknacki. It's not as sophisticated as Soknacki's (e.g., Soknacki's ideas on regional budgets, park conservancy...
  3. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Why does that concern you? Why doesn't that make you pause and wonder about the quality of the poll?? Seriously. Does anyone really believe that Doug Ford is increasing his chances in the old city of Toronto?
  4. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've looked at the Forum polls breakdowns. Consistently 2/3 of those polled are 55+. They may be the most likely to vote, but the astonishing underrepresentation of 18-54 makes the poll pretty much useless. And oh yeah, landlines.
  5. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ah. So this is probably the guy who said Diane wrote the crack tape speech and that Ford knew about the tumour in May.
  6. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Actually, Doug's refusal to answer the question at the debate about going to Pride was not a fumble at all. Remember how Doug brought a large contingent of Ford Nation supporters to cheer his every word? How big a cheer do you think they'd have given him had he announced his intention to go to...
  7. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes, I'm aware (thanks largely to posters on this thread!) that steroids are often prescribed in support of chemotherapy for nausea and inflammation. I was more wondering about whether they would be appropriate for someone with morbid obesity, given the weight gain they inevitably cause and the...
  8. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You're suggesting Tory is in my best interest?? No. David Soknacki was in my best interest - fantastic policy and realistic plans. But he couldn't make it to election day because of all the strategic voters out there who felt the need to compromise months before the actual election date. If...
  9. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Royson James on Ari Goldkind and Doug Ford's racism
  10. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes, both are fiction.
  11. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Because fattiger ONLY shows up here to flog Irene Ogrizek's crappy blog. At first fattiger pretended to be outraged by Irene's obvious stupidity. Now fattiger is trying to persuade us it's not garbage. (It is). We're being trolled. I'm guessing by Irene. Mods? ETA: Holy wow, mods were quick!
  12. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Make no mistake: I don't condone strategic voting, I have never voted strategically, and have no intention of doing so in this election. But right now it seems clear the election is Tory's to lose.
  13. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Dunro ‏@dunro 5h4 hours ago Disappointed that Soknacki shared my contact info with Steven Levitan (not even my ward). Unsubscribed. #TOPoli Brian F. Kelcey ‏@stateofthecity . @dunro He didn't. It means Carey Miller stole the list, as @proserv now works for Levitan. Denounce him and his...
  14. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Last night on twitter there was a (I think Matt Elliott) chart circulating that showed how much Rob Ford managed to achieve of his 2010 platform. I thought I'd grabbed it, but no. It was a really handy dandy summary of how wrong Doug's 98% claim is. And now my google fu is failing me. Anyone a)...
  15. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    How about "What the fuck don't you get about free subways? Idiots"
  16. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Judging by the look on Doug's face, I'd say the meeting with the Sun editorial board went swimmingly. Expect a Sun endorsement of Ford in 3...2...1...never.
  17. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That $660M was a gift from family friend Jim Flaherty. Who is dead now. Don't expect the same largesse going forward from the Toronto-hating Harperites.
  18. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Again, zero days in med school...but wouldn't it be strange to give steroids to a morbidly obese cancer patient? Also, Dairy Queen.
  19. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No, per Daniel Dale Doug said Karla's mother is Jewish. There is a world of difference between those two statements. ETA: Sorry pud! I've been beaten to this by lots of others. Was way behind in the thread, didn't mean to seem like I'm piling on.
  20. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Agreed. Tory ran too far to the right in 2003, and he scared me. And so many stupid ideas. Then, in the intervening period, he impressed me with his sensible approach to tough policy issues on the radio, along with his work with Civic Action. When I heard he might run this time I thought "great...
