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  1. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    I went to Cumbrae's Store in Bellwoods on Friday. I asked the manager about the Church Street location. He said "We are NOT CLOSING Church Street, it is under-going a much needed renovation. Sorry for the confusion."
  2. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    The Village is rife with rumors. One insider reports, the landlord jacked the rent so high, Cumbraes decided to close. Another insider reports, Tim Horton's is opening a "cafe" at the address. Does anyone know what's really know what's happening with Cumbraes?
  3. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    M Y S T E R I O U S M O T O R C Y C L E of C H U R C H W E L L E S L E Y. A couple of nights a week, between the hours of roughly 10 PM to 11:30 PM, someone rides a loud (helicopter loud) motorcycle up Yonge Street. The rider begins his tour, numerous blocks south of here and seems to go...
  4. Mystic Point

    Welcome to the New Toronto: the most fascinatingly boring city in the world.

    The Guardian chimed in with this interesting and accurate report today. Read
  5. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Well, here's something that reads like parody, but isn't.
  6. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    It was on the radio. One of the self-appointed downtown progressive types. It was so odd, but well within realm of a Toronto possibility. Maybe it was that CBC spoof show. I don't know. But I thought, " wow, someone in the Village, The Beach or the Annex must have come up with this. "
  7. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    As identity politics rules city politics, I heard that one of our city councilors is advocating not only for Transgender restrooms, but Gay restrooms too. Going to the restroom has turned into a kind of shopping adventure. Male. Female. Trans. And now Gay. Which means Lesbian, Bisexual...
  8. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    What would it take to expand the width of the sidewalks in the Village?
  9. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Thank God. What an eyesore the Village is.
  10. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    I went out on Halloween and noticed there was a tour bus with many Korean tourists armed with cameras. There were also a lot of Middle Eastern men poking around too. I am told Halloween is a big draw among certain foreigners.
  11. Mystic Point

    Downtown Markham

    Is Markham part of Toronto? What's it doing in Urban Toronto ?
  12. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    It's mostly PR. No one has published a review yet. ~(
  13. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Has anyone been to Carmen's Steak House yet? If so, report please.
  14. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    It does make one stop and wonder, could there be advantages to a Gay Only change room? Do we really benefit by being policed by straight men? I know I know the argument, " in a perfect world we're all suppose to get along. " But what if?
  15. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Overheard at Central Y this morning. Two straight guys talking. " The Gays should have their own locker room. It feels weird being checked out. "
  16. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    The gay hegemony don't like foreign foods much. They prefer bar stuff and comfort food. And given the nature of things, who could blame them?
  17. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    It looks crestfallen.
  18. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Just a casual observation of the merchandise and the inherent themes. Bearsville. Cool.
  19. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    From the looks of it, yes. There was a Big Bear Harness, Koala Bear Healthy Flavored Lubricants, Cooking with the Bears; healthy recipes for hairy men, a Bear Laser and more. Bears are taking off in a big way! Just in time for the holidays!
