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  1. RH van der Rohe


    In my opinion architecture should be of its time and a faux art deco revival thing like this will not look good in 10 years time. On the flipside a record store can take risks and try to be fun with the design as part of their branding and looks like a big improvement to the area. I am on the...
  2. RH van der Rohe

    Edmonton | The Louvre at Century Park | ?m | 6s | ProCura Real Estate | DIALOG

    How did that stack end up like that? My safety radar (other industry) is going off like crazy (how is it not cordoned off? should this be investigated? just curious as to what were they trying to do). Going through the pictures there are probably 10 safety items in each picture that would...
  3. RH van der Rohe

    Touch the Water Promenade / River Valley "Seawall"

    Find this very underwhelming as well. Why all the floating bridge detours? not sure who will use them and will take away the views from the main path. From what I've seen, small scaled lawns with seating around them are a huge draw for families as are art installations, I don't see any. I also...
  4. RH van der Rohe


    I think it's 6 units, 5-2 bedrooms and 1-3 bedroom. Clever design but wrong location. Montreal for example has a lot of buildings with one unit bigger where usually the owner lives and another 3 or 4 smaller units that they rent.
  5. RH van der Rohe

    Edmonton | The Clifton | 55m | 15s

    The architects decided to close the building to the small street that looks almost like an alley and don't offer any views to the apartments directly across the street. They will be able to maximize three sided views to the river valley below. Makes sense.
  6. RH van der Rohe

    General Architecture & Design Discussion

    Agreed, rural centres don't need to be cheap boxes devoid of any architectural value.
  7. RH van der Rohe

    Edmonton Events / conferences

    My understanding is that playing in Turf for qualifiers is acceptable, however the turf needs to be one that is authorized by FIFA, not sure if the one in Commonwealth is approved.
  8. RH van der Rohe

    Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary Hyperloop | ?m | ?s | Transpod

    I just can't see how Alberta can be the best place to do the first application. There are so many more economic corridors that don't have high speed rail and are congested to the point of collapsing (California and Texas just in North America) on top of the south France and Italy locations...
  9. RH van der Rohe

    Edmonton moved to protect public trees with new bylaw

    I don't get this. I love trees more than the average person but how can this not be rolled into the existing permit process without generating the need for a new one?
  10. RH van der Rohe

    Southwest Transportation Improvements

    Agree. There are two main metrics when choosing a house location TTD (time to dirt, as singletrack trails for hiking and mountain biking) and TTM (time to milk). I like both under 10 minutes, ideally 5. Milking my own cow will not work.
  11. RH van der Rohe

    River Valley Planning Modernization Project

    It would be critical to understand how areas will be classified as "Preservation" not allowing anything but foot traffic. If the maps in pages 63 and 64 are final they are considering the area above the pipeline, former coal mines, grassy areas and foreign species forest as preservation. I don't...
  12. RH van der Rohe

    Edmonton | The Louvre at Century Park | ?m | 6s | ProCura Real Estate | DIALOG

    The last render is pretty modern, lots of brick and clean square lines. I think the initial arches at the bottom portion were removed early on. I rather have greenspace than a concrete plaza with a Pyramid in the middle...
  13. RH van der Rohe

    Edmonton | Holyrood Court 5 | ?m | 4s | PK Developments | EFG Architects

    Great Architecture evaluates the constraints along with the surroundings and needs of the future users and maximizes the value of what can be delivered. Value defined as improving life for everyone around the space. This is just cookie cutter, safe, and dare I say lazy effort. There are plenty...
  14. RH van der Rohe

    Southwest Transportation Improvements

    Yeah, we chose Terwillegar Towne when we moved here a year ago, rented for a bit and bought a home in the same neighborhood we were renting. Schools are great, my pre-Covid commute to the northwest where I work was 25 minutes (compared to 1:15 in Houston where we lived before), it takes me 5...
  15. RH van der Rohe

    General Architecture & Design Discussion

    This year's pritzker prize was given to Lacaton and Vassal for their work putting human needs at the center of their design. Their social housing building upgrades are stunning and practical. They also seem to be on the type of buildings Edmonton has an abundance of...
  16. RH van der Rohe

    Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

    I agree with your point $450M sounds high. Not sure how many people can fit in the stadium but lets say we have 50,000 visitors for 9 days. Each person would have to spend $1000 per day. I was very close to going to Russia and we were budgeting $250 per day, 4 friends in a hotel room that was...
  17. RH van der Rohe


    With high temp furnaces and adequate scrubbers I don't see what's the issue with this. As the article mentions people are probably living next to the other 15 in the city without realizing it. A bit of a populist move by council if you ask me.
  18. RH van der Rohe

    Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

    looks like they they have improved the lighting, cleanup the concrete and removed the several million pieces of gum that were on the floor the last time I as in the Montreal Metro a good 15 years ago.
  19. RH van der Rohe

    Jasper Avenue New Vision / Imagine Jasper Avenue

    Love to s Love to see the football talk here but we will get 2, 3 games tops. Canada itself will get only get 10 games. It would make sense for Toronto to get 4 and Montreal and Edmonton get 3. It will be the Worldcup of the airplane with no set home base for any team. If we get one of the...
  20. RH van der Rohe

    Regional Transit

    It is a default practice for any union to disassociate itself from any change. It's just a strategy to accumulate unofficial grievances and reduce the other side's long term credibility.
