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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. buschic

    miWay Transit

    It's going to be a gong show at best, the 502 stop at SQ1, already is a mess, screws over MiWay passengers on the 76, 20 & 26 (weekends) , many buses are missed, ppl who are blind don't know where to stand, nor do elderly or physically disabled ppl. The drivers of the ZUM, hog the platform...
  2. buschic

    miWay Transit

    The service into Trillium hospital is being cut? You can't rely on the other route, it takes so darn long & gets nuts with strollers & ppl with disabilities are frequently bypassed during rush hour. 19 has always been the more direct route into the hospital & area medical offices.
  3. buschic

    miWay Transit

    I will tell you, as a user of the Transitway on almost a daily basis, it's nuts, I use the 107 into Malton, & the 109, into TTC (Aukland road & Dundas) The one thing that drives me nuts, is not deep late night Service, honestly MiWay could really take advantage of the Transitway to make some...
  4. buschic

    UrbanToronto's gay demographic?

    Ok, so I guess I should speak up now, I'm a long time UT lurker, joind a while ago, dont post much, when I have time to listen to Jaws or NVDA read to me, I will come and read, read some more, than post if I feel like it. I'm definitely female. disABLED computer geek, transit geek, and...
  5. buschic

    Toronto Toronto | Spadina Subway Extension Emergency Exits | ?m | 1s | TTC | IBI Group

    you mean exactly what Don Mills feels like? or even better yet, Bayview? now thats an empty station. but seriously, they say (TTC) that there building the stations to accomadate proposed ridership amounts in 25 years. I used to go to all the monthly commission meetings, but I work...
  6. buschic

    Toronto has 7 Blue Flag beaches, but Torontonians still scared to swim there.

    Thanks! Will have to try it out.. ( I normally use a Wheeltrans a lot, but its harder than a brass ball to get rides this time of year, They also dont run on the island, so I'm not very mobile on the island.)
  7. buschic

    Church-Wellesley Village

    finally... that place (donut shop) was seedy and nasty at night, I've had to go in there to use restroom, dirtier than the washroom at Finch st, or even Kipling stn, only thing keeping it going were the cab drivers hanging out there for so long. Sad to see the beaver close, but its for the...
  8. buschic

    TTC: Complete Subway Station Ridership Figures

    Yep, thats it, exact same, but I must digress, I havent had time to 'geek off' as much as I'd like lately, Working full time sorta nulifies any ideas of just fanning the days away. btw, next time your at a subway station, look on the ends of the turnstiles, most have a oldstyle lcd counter...
  9. buschic

    What's the nastiest thing you've ever seen on the subway, bus, streetcar or station?

    cause the other ones were usually near enough to white that I cant tell the differance, you need to understand something before you go jumping off the deep end here buddy, I'm legally blind, that means I can see about 3 feet infront of me, and thats it. also most times I am alone or with one of...
  10. buschic

    TTC: Complete Subway Station Ridership Figures

  11. buschic

    What's the nastiest thing you've ever seen on the subway, bus, streetcar or station?

    he's banned from TTC.. has been for at least 2-3 years.
  12. buschic

    What's the nastiest thing you've ever seen on the subway, bus, streetcar or station?

    nastiest things I've witnessed on TTC.. Hmm 1. homeless guy sleeping on the 505 at 10am on a weekday, ripped pants, junk hangin' not smelly surprisingly, but nasty.. 2. a couple 'doing it' in the back of a 112C, then when the bus stopped the guy got up and was playing with himself as he got...
  13. buschic

    Toronto has 7 Blue Flag beaches, but Torontonians still scared to swim there.

    are any of these 'blue flag' beaches near TTC routes? or near Etobicoke? since the drop in swim is now $2 at city pools, I can no longer afford to go there now.
  14. buschic

    Illogical Toronto haters

    LOL, yeah, your right Hipster, I just lived there for 27 years, lol so I kinda know what I'm saying about it.. Yes there are little pockets of goodness in hamilton, but not enought to make me ever want to go back.
  15. buschic

    Should the Toronto Islands be kept as-is?

    ahhh, thats what it was, ok, cool
  16. buschic

    Should the Toronto Islands be kept as-is?

    Sorry, I'm blind, cannot see pictures very well, I just see a bunch of colours, what is this?
  17. buschic

    Extending subway system driving force behind Thomson mayoral campaign

    hmm, ok cool, thanks for correcting me, i was going by old TFL reports.
  18. buschic

    Illogical Toronto haters

    ""This is similar to my experience, but I don't have a lingering hatred for Hamilton, only an anger at how the city was left to decline. I remember downtown as a child in the early 80's. Going to Eaton's, Simpson's, Robinson's, Wollworth's and Cheapies and more. It was vibrant and bustling and...
  19. buschic

    Extending subway system driving force behind Thomson mayoral campaign

    Why can we not have a 'Downtown Congestion Tax" like London England has? with minumum 75% of the revinue going to Transit. (TTC in this case) On the DRL subject, I've always had the thought that we need to replace the strangled 501 Queen Car with a subway, running from say, Kingston Road to...
