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  1. S

    Really Well Built Condos

    This is a great idea for a thread - and the initial dearth of responses probably says something about UT ;) I've heard Tridel-built condos are solid, but that may just be hearsay. I am really curious to know, however - in particular about sound-proofing, as I'd really like to move in somewhere...
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    Toronto Toronto | The Well | 174.03m | 46s | RioCan | Hariri Pontarini

    I agree, but I wonder if having an opening like that might create a wind tunnel effect. Part of what seems interesting about covered sidewalks is that they'll provide "outdoor" space in the winter.
  3. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No, that it isn't true. People survive stage 4 cancer all the time - it's just a significantly smaller percentage, and it also depends on the type of cancer. If it's stage 4 lung or colon or esophageal etc, then the chances are super slim, but that isn't necessarily the case for other types.
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    Toronto Toronto | Ïce Condominiums at York Centre | 234.07m | 67s | Lanterra | a—A

    I agree, and I also wish there were more developments like the proposal at Front and Spadina in which there are covered "outdoor" areas. Far far too much of planning seems focused on the summer, when for 6 months of the year, there is no green, and being outside is unpleasant for most people...
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    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    Well, obviously some people do. Just because you (mistakenly, naively) believe something like this to be frivolous, it doesn't mean it is.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I feel like it's worth keeping ego in mind. Just as the journalists chasing the Ford story were driven both by their professional instincts and huge ego, so too are police driven by a desire to self-aggrandize. Do you want to give the Chief Magistrate a DUI? Or, if you know there are bigger...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Trouble is that Ford won't cop to it and a large portion of his base will feel that he has "plausible deniability".
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What I'm saying: If Ford were to be charged with a crime, why would the evidence that would form the basis of that charge be released to the media in advance of the charge? Less related to the matter at hand: I'm also much less sure than some that Ford will be charged with anything. But there's...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think you all need to calm down. The notion that police have direct evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Ford is based largely on speculation. What is likely is that he's a guy who does drugs and was caught on video doing so - something for which he almost certainly won't be charged. But...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think you're probably right (if a bit over the top), but when Doug Ford suggested there's nothing to do downtown - and raised the ire of progressives everywhere by doing so - I feel like he inadvertently hit on something important: that many people in Toronto actually do feel like there's...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Jesse Hawken is always tweeting (very funny) jokes about Rob Ford. No idea if he has connections, but I wouldn't discount him just for his jokes.
  12. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My apologies, I'll stop. I feel like it's really important to complicate the simplistic right/wrong, black/white, smart/stupid dichotomies that are being used here, but I don't want to threadjack either. Here's hoping that either the tape comes out and Ford quits/is pushed out and gets help...
  13. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I would also be comfortable suggesting that 20% of people are below average intelligence, but mostly because I know what the word 'tautology' means... (Seriously, think about that for a second). But here's what you're doing: you're setting up an entirely arbitrary, perfectly contestable...
  14. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hey, you're free to do whatever you want. But if you want to suggest that around 380,000 Torontonians are stupid, well... it's a bit ironic, isn't it? It's not an intellectually sound position to take. It's just emotional, knee-jerk posturing.
  15. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    We should stop this, but I think the dichotomy you're setting up - totally hapless and subject to the whims of power OR being able to make your own informed decisions - is needlessly binary and also misleading. I'm suggesting that one look at Ford's election as a moment in history in which a...
  16. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Oh of course they should! But you're saying that nearly 400,000 people - which is nearly, what, 1/4 of eligible voters in the city - were just stupid, ignorant or spiteful. That's a bang-up piece of sociological analysis. You remind me of those people who say things like "why don't schools just...
  17. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What a hopelessly naive argument - although calling it "an argument" is being generous. Apparently, in the world you live in, voters are only allowed to express their interests through voting after having researched a political entity's budgeting process, capital investment, financial situation...
  18. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Totally speculative, but Robyn Doolittle just tweeted this. It lines up, but it might also be completely nothing.
  19. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't think OSS 117 was trying to be racist or classist either - but his comments ended up invoking the spectres of those ideas. That's how these things work. And sorry if I was overly confrontational or dismissive - I just get angry about this topic quite easily.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I agree the examples you've given are absurd - especially the idea that you can be sexist or racist against white men (lol) - but you seem to be missing the point. The general sentiment I'm objecting to is that there is no content to Ford voters' concerns. It is simply a knee-jerk reaction to...
