News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    They keep talking about how they're "running on their record". I can't wait until they're running on their criminal record.
  2. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That's because LeDrew is so far up RoFo's ass he can't tell where he is anymore. No one should take anything that he says seriously. I'm annoyed he still has a job.
  3. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What... I don't even... I've yet to see evidence of any maturity, let alone an increasing amount of it... Especially when followed up with this tidbit...
  4. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No, he did not. That is an urban myth that has been propagated by misquotes and outright falsehoods. "The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty...
  5. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    More drugs maybe. He's accomplished incredibly little in the course of his three year term. Most of his "Accomplishments" are thanks to the hard work of other people.
  6. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Regardless of what he was saying, it wasn't very clear. And even with multiple overwrites it is still sometimes possible to recover data digitally without opening the drive. I was mostly just trying to be helpful. Not very much about digital forensics is known or understood properly...
  7. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nope. The reason you overwrite things with random data is that filesystems don't actually delete the data itself when you delete something. The sectors are marked as unused and the index relating that file is deleted. The actual data itself still exists, thats why it can be recovered. It has...
  8. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    First, all the articles you posted are from 2011. If you had any more updated sources to back up your statement that we have daily occurrences of flights landing comprised entirely of people making refugee claims it might be a little more helpful. Second, the numbers given in the articles are...
  9. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Citation needed
