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  1. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes. And do nothing for his ward, and his idiots will love him for it. No. See above comment. "Warrgarble free TTC rides for kids that aren't mine? Respect for taxpayers blah blah" Brothers Ford almost won the elecvtion. They are out there.
  2. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Strategic voting beat the dogshit out of "vote with my heart". There are legions of Chow voters who are quietly satisfied with Tory so far. Chow voters, you are welcome we did the heavy lifting.
  3. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The thing is people won't vote for DoFo because he's a Progressive Conservative, it's because he is a taxpayer supporting, penny watching everyman that people can have a beer with. His wife is hot, his kids are attractive, his grammar is poor, people identify with him for whatever bizarre...
  4. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It is both. Very weird.
  5. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It feels like deja-vu all over again. Hudak is ancient history, no one cares about him. Generally speaking do not underestimate DoFo. I agree with the below that if DoFo had more time he would have won. Because the general public are not like you and I, thoughtful and considerate. DoFo appeals...
  6. R

    2014 mayoral election prediction

    I think it will closer between Ford and Tory. I expect Tory to win but Ford will receive many more votes than he is polling at. Reason being there are lots of people supporting Ford but won't admit it. Combined with the 'vote your conscience' Chow crew (who would be supporting strategic voting...
  7. R

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Exactly. For all non-Rob Ford voters thinking about voting for Chow or Goldkind or a fire hydrant you need to get it into your fucking heads that this is not a normal election. The City Of Toronto is constipated badly and we need the most effective medicine now to dislodge the shit. Once the...
  8. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Playing around with a few percentage points is crazy and voting based on these findings is crazy. What no one is talking about but is a very real thing are the number of people who will vote for Ford but won't admit it. There are lots of these people. To ensure a Ford-free mayor's office, vote...
  9. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Then a very real possibility of Ford more years exists.
  10. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Internet fist-bump, home-cooking.
  11. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Folks, what do you want from this election?​ You can want your candidate of choice as Mayor or do you want Rob Ford out? You have those choices but you have to pick the one you can live with for the next 4 years. This is extremely clear. If you love Soknacki so much that you think he will win...
  12. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Does anyone get a Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase/Virgil vibe for RoFo and Jerry?
  13. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm a Ford booster? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. I might just wear out my O key. Outrage is what drives most people. People vote against something rather than for something. One the first words babies learn is No.
  14. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Also while a Tory supporter may switch to Soknacki, the Ford supporter generally will not switch no matter what. Ford supporters are emotionally motivated whereas a Soknacki supporters uses reason and intelligence (hence the low support numbers).
  15. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No way home cooking, Ford has an excellent chance of winning. There are too many candidates to split the vote. Soknacki may well be the Nader of this election, diverting votes from Tory. Human nature is vengeful and spiteful. Higher turnout means more Ford voters.
  16. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Prior to this election bid Chow has been in Ottawa. She has been out of municipal politics since 2005. I've lived here 20 years and the city has changed tremendously since 2005. To beat the (proverbial) pig you must roll in the dirt and she won't/can't do that. Yes Tory has lost a lot of...
  17. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You guys are out of your minds if you think Rob does not have a chance of winning. Thanks to the sheer volumes of dummies in this city he stands an excellent chance of winning. Brand speaks volumes and the Ford brand is huge. He is top of the news everyday and people like celebrity over...
  18. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Google 'gastric bypass alcohol'. You have to extremely careful with alcohol and other drugs after this kind of surgery due to your 'plumbling' being remodelled. I doubt he would be eligible for the surgery.
  19. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If someone could photoshop Rob Ford as the WWF's Million Dollar Man and Jerry the Driver as Virgil, that would win the internet today.
  20. R

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Branding is everything. Fooling the masses is the game.
