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  1. J

    Toronto Toronto | 1521 Queen West | 29.95m | 8s | BSäR Group | Core Architects

    Im not disputing the need for housing people. But is section 37 really the right mechanism for this. And as far as people living in parks goes, there seems to be other funded city programs that deal with this. It's an odd assumption that if section 37 funding is used for housing that someone...
  2. J

    Toronto Toronto | 1521 Queen West | 29.95m | 8s | BSäR Group | Core Architects

    Question , section 37 is supposed to be for community benefit? is housing certain individuals a community benefit? 1 million can pay for the redevelopment of a local park which all neighbourhood residents could enjoy. As we all know, the housing market is insane and 1 million may secure only a...
  3. J

    Toronto Toronto | 464 Queen West Parkette | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

    Do you have any direct links on racial disparities within music and arts spaces, I just dont even know where to start to look. I just had no clue it's an issue, but am willing to read about it. thanks.
  4. J

    Toronto Toronto | The Bentway (was Under Gardiner) | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    how about figuring out a way to fix the pillars and underbelly so that it isnt crumbling every 2 years. Maybe this Is magic paint that will keep this thing together?
  5. J

    Toronto Toronto | 464 Queen West Parkette | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

    Would it not make more sense to assist existing venues to remain open? and does everything have to have a racial angle to it? is there existing racial disparities within Toronto's music scene that needed to be addressed?
  6. J

    Toronto Toronto | Concord Park Place: Ethennonnhawahstihnen' Community Centre | 18.9m | 4s | City of Toronto | MJMA

    And there you have it, another meaningful act of reconciliation. The councillor should get a medal for this one.
  7. J

    Toronto Toronto | Wallace Emerson Community Centre & Park | ?m | 3s | Almadev | Perkins&Will

    There was tons of community consultation on this one. It would have been difficult not to know about this, unless of course you didn't live in the neighbourhood. Where were all the hockey players during the 2 years of consultation? Answer, probably playing in leagues at indoor arenas that have...
  8. J

    Toronto Toronto | June Callwood Park | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | gh3

    This would be slightly excusable if the city was broke and was working on a tight budget, but to spend TOP $$$ of design, construction, redesign and reconstruction and end up with a public space that repulses human activity is a scandal. Local councillor and city staff who have been at it for...
  9. J

    Toronto Toronto | Wabash Community Centre | ?m | 4s | City of Toronto | Diamond Schmitt

    Theres a pool at Parkdale PS, Bellwoods, Fern PS, Keele PS and Wallace Emerson is getting a new aquatic centre, I dunno if this site really needs a pool. The Hub site is probably not big enough for a pool.
  10. J

    Toronto Toronto | Wabash Community Centre | ?m | 4s | City of Toronto | Diamond Schmitt

    not only that , it overwhelms the park. At some point a swimming pool was added to the scope of the project greatly increasing the size of the building.
  11. J

    Toronto Toronto | Wabash Community Centre | ?m | 4s | City of Toronto | Diamond Schmitt

    I wonder how much it will cost to save that old building and how much it impacts the design options. They should just save a few bricks or one facade and focus on building a great community centre that will not be overbearing on the park. Is this building really that significant and worth the...
  12. J

    Toronto Toronto | Parkdale Hub | 54.5m | 16s | CreateTO | DTAH

    something to remember too is that the same neighbourhood is opposed to tall buildings (condos) approve a larger building and you set a precedent, cant have it both ways. Anyone know what the actual cost is to deliver government built affordable housing? the point I am trying to make is that...
  13. J

    Toronto Toronto | Parkdale Hub | 54.5m | 16s | CreateTO | DTAH

    Just a thought, Parkdale has been losing existing affordable housing that exists in older buildings for many years. By the time these 62 units are built, probably hundreds of more units will be lost. They are being bought up, renovated and rented for higher rents. Would it not make more sense to...
  14. J

    Toronto Toronto | 464 Queen West Parkette | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

    This is a useless spot for a park or parkette. The parks department has come up with a random formula for determining parks deificiency and doesnt know what to do with all the money they are sitting on. Scadding Court and Alexandra Park are just up the street, why not make them better and more...
  15. J

    Toronto Toronto | The Brixton | 45.41m | 12s | CentreCourt | Graziani + Corazza

    Does this project still include work/industrial space which if I think was supposed to be offered at affordable or below market rates? anyone know where to get info on renting the space??
  16. J

    Toronto Toronto | Garrison Point | 118.56m | 35s | Cityzen | Hariri Pontarini

    I cannot wait to see how clogged up the intersection at Strachan and East Liberty is going to be during rush hour. There is like 10 condos within a block of this one intersection.
  17. J

    Toronto Toronto | 1521 Queen West | 29.95m | 8s | BSäR Group | Core Architects

    I feel bad for the people that lived here, but in legal reality, is it actually illegal to not renew someones stay at a hotel?? If this was a rental building I would understand but it is a hotel meant for temporary lodging.
  18. J

    Rail Deck Park (?, ?, ?)

    Better use of the money would be to build parkland and amenities at 28 Bathurst (Stackt), Bentway phase 2 & 3, mouth of the creek park, Wellington Destructor and all the land around it, Stanley Park south, Ordnance Triangle and top it off with a pedestrian bridge or gondola to the island. Once...
  19. J

    Toronto Toronto | Centennial College: Progress Campus A Block | ?m | 6s | Centennial College | DIALOG

    And these institutions are funded by the government and an endless supply of your tax dollars. The private housing market can only build what the consumer is willing to pay for. Government can do whatever they want and absorb cost increases and overuns.
  20. J

    Toronto Toronto | 1375 Queen West | 35.46m | 10s | Skale | Giannone Petricone

    In the good ole' days it was a 7-11 with a gas station. The land is contaminated. The best thing to do would be to do some land assembly.
