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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. A

    Toronto Toronto | Wallace Emerson Community Centre & Park | ?m | 3s | Almadev | Perkins&Will

    I work for parks and recs, when Councilors say something things get done on the parks n recreation side. Councillor just has to pass on the complaint
  2. A

    Toronto Toronto | Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    I followed a train from birchmount to don Mills the other day, I did see one going the other way as well. It was actually keeping up with traffic for most part and that wasn't full service speed I presume. I was wondering why the stops are placed after the light and not before, then I thought...
  3. A

    Toronto Toronto | Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    I was travelling next to a training car from birchmount to don Mills, it was catching up to me while I was stuck at the lights waiting. Really the only complaint is that all the stops should be before the intersection and not after, the double stopping doesn't make any sense
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    GO Transit Midtown Corridor

    So in theory if we built a MSF somewhere along this corridor you could make this into some sort of light metro subway style line?
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    TTC: Bloor Danforth Line 2 West Extension(s)

    What's wrong with transfers, they're inevitable at some point, and I think the general public knows that
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    TTC: Bloor Danforth Line 2 West Extension(s)

    lol lol listen that's my beef, I don't even remember this vote for subways subways subways. My beef is that everything points to STC & McCown and anything east of that is like the boonies. Granted Kennedy was the only east Scarborough subway station. I would've been cool with lrt to begin...
  7. A

    Sheppard Line 4 Subway Extension (Proposed)

    This really should be extended both east and west in one shot. Ontario line extended North And the Eglinton east LRT and all the transit projects in my wish list would happen. The east side of the city would be really connected
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    Finch West Line 6 LRT

    You're worrying about shadows on the road? If the guideway is in the middle of the road, why would shadows be a big deal?
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    Toronto Toronto | Ontario Line: Riverside-Leslieville Station | 15m | 2s | Metrolinx | HDR

    To me it seems like they've done a lot of work in a fairly decent amount of time
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    Finch West Line 6 LRT

    I saw a train moving today, I believe I was at Finch and Albion
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    Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

    I thought Trudeau opened up some transit infrastructure pool for agency's to draw from, why doesn't the TTC use that
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    GO Transit: Construction Projects (Metrolinx, various)

    Sorry as I don't take go much, but all go lines should be two way 15minute service at minimum. Are there any lines that currently achieve that? Are there any lines that beat 15minute service ? Is this what GO RER trying to accomplish?
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    Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

    Wow that's quite unfortunate, such a better design on multiple points and with the Davenpoint diamond grade separation, went pretty smoothly
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    Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

    Why didn't they look at elevating the line?
  15. A

    Toronto Toronto | Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    Where did the Xtra money come from to repaint the entire crane, I thought they only had enough money to repaint the base
  16. A

    Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

    Well I work at Don Montgomery CRC, where they would extract the TBM for the SSE. MX have representatives stationed at the centre periodically. I spoke with one of the reps, the city or MX did look about putting a stop at Brimley & Eglinton, but not Danforth. Ultimately he said brimley station...
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    Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

    Then they definitely should've added another stop at brimley, real short-sightedness or cheapness
  18. A

    Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

    I agree, I want it elevated if I had it my way. Yeah the Lawrence & STC stops will be some help. Still we're treating McCowan as the epicenter of Scarborough for some odd reason lol. Well it's not odd, it's cuz of the STC my assumption. On another note, what I'm gathering is that this line 2...
  19. A

    Toronto Toronto | Wallace Emerson Community Centre & Park | ?m | 3s | Almadev | Perkins&Will

    So no1 in Canada can supply Terracotta Panels? If not, why lol?
  20. A

    Eglinton East LRT | Metrolinx

    Line 2 ending at brimley makes sense, it's another transfer if I wanted to go along Eglinton & the crosstown, but that's a quibble worth giving up for a transit project of this size. Extending Sheppard east to McCown does help the northern part of Scarborough, it doesn't really help the...
