News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. thommyjo

    Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

    Arguably the most critical intersection impacted currently based on daily volume, misecordia and WEM being kitty corner, and 170 being a part of our inner ring road.
  2. thommyjo

    Edmonton | Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

    Green are sold already?
  3. thommyjo

    Edmonton | HSBC Bank Place Revitalization | 74m | 18s | AIMCo | DIALOG

    Been waiting on this one! Will be a great addition
  4. thommyjo

    Municipal Politics

    Most of our eggs in that basket because for 20 years we barely did anything while other cities our size quickly expanded rail and densified around it. So now it’s catch up time as congestion will worsen and worsen the next decade. We’ll soon wish we had built even more transit, even though...
  5. thommyjo

    Municipal Politics

    Janz against, anyone else?
  6. thommyjo

    Edmonton | ICE District Phase 2 | 149.95m | ?s | ICE District Prop.

    Yeah, why no podium on B when it’s closest to fan park/rogers entrances, CBD foot traffic.
  7. thommyjo

    Cycling and Active Transportation in Edmonton

    It’s crazy they can’t get out there with so many warm days in a row to get all the major MUPs clear. Some will get new ice as stuff melts, but the 3-5 inches of slush being gone means Mother Nature can finish off the clearing much soon. Not like the snow teams are clearing roads right now, why...
  8. thommyjo

    The Mercury Block II | Hodgson Schilf Evans

    The heck….
  9. thommyjo


    With the melt here, what’s the chances they start sweeping gravel soon? Or will they leave gravel down for 7 weeks because of existing plans and the inability to be nimble? I’m sure they don’t want to be wasteful and double up. But get the snow clearing team to work on at least cleaning up...
  10. thommyjo

    General Infill Discussion

    Increase their assessments.
  11. thommyjo

    Edmonton Real Estate Market

    Honourable and this guys name should never be together. How is he not in jail yet
  12. thommyjo


    Anyone know what these might be connected to? An old/dead proposal?
  13. thommyjo

    Edmonton | Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    Paris Baquette did Whyte and WEM. Maybe they could do downtown.
  14. thommyjo

    ETS Bus and General Transit Improvements

    The number of these under 70% is insane. We have to fix that. Glad they’re taking some steps currently, but we’ll need more.
  15. thommyjo

    Edmonton | ICE District Block IJ | ?m | ?s | ICE District Prop. | Next Architecture

    One question on the event park: How does this fit in with our other spaces? Winspear Auditoriums (2k capacity on big one) Convention Centre (1.8k, 2.1k, 4.2k, 3.9k arrangements of Halls) Citadel (681) Allard Hall (Macewan) Theatres (450) Expo Centre (2.5k, 3k, 4k, 4.6k arena, 2.5k, 3.5k 3k)...
  16. thommyjo

    Norquest Careers Skills Centre | 34m | 10s | GEC

    I still don't understand the SE Corner concrete thingy...? Are they trying to give shelter for nighttime sleepers? a nice glass corner would be fine.
  17. thommyjo

    Edmonton | Hat @ Old Strathcona | 66.14m | 20s | Cidex Group

    Is that 20? Topped out now?
  18. thommyjo

    Jasper Avenue New Vision / Imagine Jasper Avenue

    Good time to plant before we hopefully see more towers in the next decade.
