Architect: B+H Architects
Address: 100 Queens Quay East, Toronto, Canada
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2021
Height: 385 ft / 117.34 mStoreys: 25 storeys
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That's excellent news - that building is one of the stumbling blocks for revitalizing the stretch between Yonge and Jarvis. Between that and the reorganization of the Toronto Star site there is some serious potential for movement on that front.

My first thought, how many office workers?

Suppose the LCBO relocated the office functions elsewhere in downtown as lead tenant in a major office tower?

Second part, would this mean also divesting the warehouse?

If so, I wonder where they would move that to?

Might make a good development in an under-utlized industrial area.
They have 3500 full time staff - the majority of whom probably aren't "head office" workers.

It would look INSANELY horrible for a crown corporation which many think should be sold off to be part of an "expensive" new and fancy HQ. Just think about the $hitstorm that erupted over the proposed new TTC HQ.

That being said - I'd be surprised if you're talking more thatn 300 HQ workers - which would be under way below "lead tenant" status of any major office development (unless you're talking something like King West...)

I think you'd estimate between 150-300 square foot per employee.
As per the above

Do you think its that low? Don't they currently have a good six floors where they are?


I wonder if this would include the store site as well, I assume it would if they are suggesting Queen's Quay frontage.

That is one very large LCBO that would be in need of relocation.
They have 3500 full time staff - the majority of whom probably aren't "head office" workers.

It would look INSANELY horrible for a crown corporation which many think should be sold off to be part of an "expensive" new and fancy HQ. Just think about the $hitstorm that erupted over the proposed new TTC HQ.

That being said - I'd be surprised if you're talking more thatn 300 HQ workers - which would be under way below "lead tenant" status of any major office development (unless you're talking something like King West...)

They can always move into the future proposed government run 880 Bay St. office development

From the Globe and Mail Article on this.......

"He did say the province will sell the LCBO's headquarters property, a move expected to generate $200 million."

He is Dwight Duncan btw....

At 200M the development on that site would have to be eye-popping in its density.
I pray they break this into several small plots instead of selling the whole thing as one. No more huge block developments down there please! I feel as though they'd net more $$ that way as well.
