which (stupid) family would pay $600k+ for a tiny 3 bedroom apartment to raise their "family" in, when they could get a huge house with a backyard out in the burbs...

a condo is no place to raise a family. especially not at those prices. adam vaughn doesnt seem to realize this.

You're stating an opinion as fact. There are many people in my condo building who are raising a child, in some cases, even two. And they are here voluntarily: the guy across the hall is an eye surgeon. I'm sure he could afford a nice house in the suburbs, but he says he loves living downtown, taking his two kids to the parks and walking to work at St. Mikes in 10 minutes.

The urban condo versus suburban home is simply a matter of priorities. Many people value more square footage and access to a lawn above all else. That's fine: but the costs for these priviledges can be very high in terms of both money and time, and those costs are now rising. If you live an urban lifestyle close to work and shops and don't need to own a car (or two, as in many suburban families) you are easily saving over $10K a year in disposable income. Add to this the time and costs of maintaining, heating, and cooling a large home and the financial incentives become even greater. Sure you pay a bit more up front, but you save money every year. Depending on the building, condo fees can be quite reasonable compared to the costs of maintaining a house, and they are more consistant month-to-month which makes them easier to budget for.

This doesn't even take into account other non-economic factors such as time: hours spent commuting to and from the burbs every day is time that could be spent with your kids, or simply living your life. There are also other factors like cultural diversity, access to restaurants, live music, museums, galleries, parks, street festivals, etc. Again, some value these things highly; some don't.

If you prefer a suburban lifestyle, more power to you. But there's no need to insult people who prefer an urban lifestyle by calling them stupid: in my opinion, parents deciding to raise their children downtown are pretty smart, and are honestly evaluating where their time and money is going instead of mindlessly following the crowds to the burbs because society says that's what they're "supposed to do". Cities are changing and times are changing. More and more people are opting to live downtown, with and without children, even if that means they have to organize themselves a little more carefully to fit into smaller spaces.
OMG! Those dreadfull interior bedrooms. Since when have Torontonians become Cave-men (people).....? Give me natural light. Awful, just plain awful plans.

And whats up with those "lofts?"?? Good grief. Even the cheapest and smallest room at Motel 6 comes with a bathtub!
Some of those master bedroom sizes are a total joke. Here we have a number of so called '2 bedroom' units that should never have been anything more than a smallish '1 bedroom' to start with.
This is an example of builder's greed that has gotten way out of control.
A real shame too. The exterior of this building is very attractive. Who would ever imagine that such a lovely building from the outsde could be packed with so many tiny little cubicles.
It seems to me sometimes that some of these builders are determined to kill this market. The pendulum has swung too far.
And whats up with those "lofts?"?? Good grief. Even the cheapest and smallest room at Motel 6 comes with a bathtub!
Some of those master bedroom sizes are a total joke. Here we have a number of so called '2 bedroom' units that should never have been anything more than a smallish '1 bedroom' to start with.
This is an example of builder's greed that has gotten way out of control.
A real shame too. The exterior of this building is very attractive. Who would ever imagine that such a lovely building from the outsde could be packed with so many tiny little cubicles.
It seems to me sometimes that some of these builders are determined to kill this market. The pendulum has swung too far.
i actually live in a ~750sqft 1 bedroom which I think is a reasonable size for 1 person... but I think I would prefer a shower to a bathtub in my washroom as well... considering i never take baths, I would much rather have extra counter space...
I have seen many people in downtown changing the bathtub for a shower with a clear glass door. it looks beautiful. FYI, that shower with clear glass door is more expensive than a regular bathtub
And whats up with those "lofts?"?? Good grief. Even the cheapest and smallest room at Motel 6 comes with a bathtub!
Some of those master bedroom sizes are a total joke. Here we have a number of so called '2 bedroom' units that should never have been anything more than a smallish '1 bedroom' to start with.
This is an example of builder's greed that has gotten way out of control.
A real shame too. The exterior of this building is very attractive. Who would ever imagine that such a lovely building from the outsde could be packed with so many tiny little cubicles.
It seems to me sometimes that some of these builders are determined to kill this market. The pendulum has swung too far.
........Really, quite surprising for Tridel. Greed, indeed. Somehow, I don't think people will be camped out overnight for the chance to own a broom-closet, sans tub. The beginning of the end.....? Time will tell.
Granny said:
And whats up with those "lofts?"?? Good grief. Even the cheapest and smallest room at Motel 6 comes with a bathtub!
Some of those master bedroom sizes are a total joke. Here we have a number of so called '2 bedroom' units that should never have been anything more than a smallish '1 bedroom' to start with.
This is an example of builder's greed that has gotten way out of control.
A real shame too. The exterior of this building is very attractive. Who would ever imagine that such a lovely building from the outsde could be packed with so many tiny little cubicles.
It seems to me sometimes that some of these builders are determined to kill this market. The pendulum has swung too far.

I would call these 'lofts' bowling alleys.
This is the type of cr*ppy interior layouts we get when affordability gets out of hand and the 2008 'market' commands $600+/sqft = v. small spaces. :eek:

i actually live in a ~750sqft 1 bedroom which I think is a reasonable size for 1 person... but I think I would prefer a shower to a bathtub in my washroom as well... considering i never take baths, I would much rather have extra counter space...

750 sqft for a 1 bdrm is HUGE compared to the many products/projects out there. Glad to hear you're enjoying your space. :)
750 sqft for a 1 bdrm is HUGE compared to the many products/projects out there. Glad to hear you're enjoying your space. :)

when I first moved downtown from the burbs it actually seemed quite small. although i guess i was used to living in a big suburban house. now that i've been in here for a while, I realize I could quite comfortably live in a smaller place (since there is only 1 of me)...

after looking at all these new places going up, mine does indeed seem huge.. I agree with the OP... eventually we are going to reach a breaking point.
CBC Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation next door to the 300...

i was inspecting the area around the new upcoming 300 building and found some concerning facts:
1. CBC Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation, next door to the east side of the 300 you'll find the CBC building. on the roof of that building you'll a large number of satellite dishes. these are not the regular dishes that you see for you satellite TV (that are passive and only receive) but are broadcasting satellite for TV and radio.
broadcasting satellite dishes are much more dangerous for our health as they cause a reaction to our cells.
2. The power structure standing to the north along Wellington St.

Now, I'm not an expert on these issues but it sure got me thinking.
Do you guys know what Tridel plans to do with these?
Do you know if these will put our health in danger?

I'd appreciate any input on this as i'm about to close on an apartment on the 25 floor facing SE.

thanks in advanced,
Nice one too!
They will have an upgrade option on it for 600.00. That one looks like an upside down boat.
Lets review the neighbourhood again.

To the west we have the slaughterhouse. (wind prevails from the east ..right?)
To the east we have the the CBS Radiowave transmission dishes. (Aluminum foil on the windows ought to do it.)
To the north we have that hydro thingy thats always buzzing and humming.((More aluminum foil?)
To the south we have..What have we got to the south?......... Cityplace (oh well. Party on Dude!)
Do you know if these will put our health in danger?

People have been living and working near those interferences for many years. There is debate (just like cell phones) about their potential hazard. Those concerns aside, it's just not attractive... They detract from the building IMO.... and the floorplans are not very functional
