Will Councillor Pasternak deliver a eulogy for the surface parking spaces at this event?
For the record, he kind of did just that -- "the battle for commuter parking at Wilson -- is over", etc.

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Found it interesting that Chow credited Pasternak for getting this project moving.

Was she trying to throw him under the bus to his NIMBY base?
Or was he secretly in support of this and just lying to the ward?
Found it interesting that Chow credited Pasternak for getting this project moving.

Was she trying to throw him under the bus to his NIMBY base?
Or was he secretly in support of this and just lying to the ward?
File it under "Neither"... Councillors ALWAYS get credited for projects that happen within their Wards.

It is just default pleasantries from the protocol office.
CBC News has the full quote -

Coun. James Pasternak, who represents York Centre, said the project took years to be approved because some residents were opposed to the commuter parking lot being developed.

"I can confidently say the battle over the 50 Wilson Heights community parking lot is officially over," Pasternak said.

"This has not been an easy journey but in the end we will see over a thousand people living in affordable rental units when this construction project is complete."

