Do you guys know how much is the current common expense charge per sq ft in this building? how much is the maintenance for the locker?
A quick question for anyone who has had their interim closing already: how many keys/access cards do they hand out? And what kind of access card is it? Is it a fob like Cityplace? Or a card you can fit in your wallet?
A quick question for anyone who has had their interim closing already: how many keys/access cards do they hand out? And what kind of access card is it? Is it a fob like Cityplace? Or a card you can fit in your wallet?

They're like the fob from City place and I received 2.....I'm not sure if this is because it's a 2 bedroom unit?

Prominent Toronto developer Peter Freed, known for partnering with top designers on his condominium projects, is lauded on his website for crafting “a community of design-centric buildings.â€

This was the vision articulated in the marketing materials for Six50 King, which listed award-winning designer Munge Leung as part of the “dream team†that would create a “luxurious†new development “drenched in designer details†in the heart of the King West strip Freed helped to transform.

But in a $6.5-million lawsuit against Freed, condo owners at 650 King St. W. and the attached building at 95 Bathurst St. allege that Munge Leung did not, in fact, design Six50 King.

Instead, the lawsuit alleges, the units and common areas “were built, designed and furnished without luxurious and high-end style finishes and furniture and in a materially different and inferior manner†than the developer had promised.

The owners are suing for misrepresentation, breach of contract, construction deficiencies and unjust enrichment, among other allegations. None of the allegations has been proven in court.

Critics say the case illustrates the lack of protection afforded to condo owners when developers' promises, made during pre-construction, fall through. The pre-construction phrase is often years ahead of the move-in date.

Officials at Freed, which recently announced a partnership with Chanel’s Karl Lagerfeld to design the lobby in the Art Shoppe Lofts at Yonge St. and Eglinton Ave., declined to comment for this story.

In a statement, Danny Roth, a spokesman for the partnership group, said, “While we believe the claim is without merit, we also believe that it is not appropriate to discuss this through the media.â€

Tricon Capital, which “jointly developed Six50 King,†according to the lawsuit, is also listed as a defendant, and declined to comment.

Munge Leung is not named in the lawsuit. Kasia Chalas, a spokeswoman for the design firm, said in an email that, “this matter has nothing to do with Munge Leung.â€

As of Tuesday, no statement of defence had been filed, according to lawyer David Shiller, who is representing the owners of Six50 King’s approximately 200 units.

Condo board president Aaron Crangle, who moved into his two-bedroom unit in Six50 in fall 2012, says he wants to send a message to developers to “live up to their end of the deal.â€

Strong demand for condos “shouldn’t allow developers to wiggle out of doing what their representations were,†said Crangle, 46.

“This is people’s homes that they walk through every day. Shouldn’t they have the sort of finishings that they expected from the developer?†he said.

Crangle, who bought his place in July 2007, said he was impressed by Freed’s reputation in the King West area and the partnership with award-winning Canadian interior design firm Munge Leung.

“The description of Munge Leung sounded incredible. We were excited about their involvement,†he said. “That’s the King West style that was emerging, and it sounded like a great fit.â€

The lawsuit alleges that Freed included Munge Leung in the marketing materials “to take advantage of . . . Munge Leung’s world class reputation . . . in order to distinguish Six50 King from other condominium developments . . . and reinforce Freed’s brand of ‘design-based development.’â€

Under the Condominium Act, which is currently under review by the provincial government, developers must give buyers notice of any “material changes†to the agreement, to give buyers an opportunity to back out.

But Crangle alleges that didn’t happen in this case. Instead, the condo owners discovered in June 2014 that Munge Leung allegedly did not design Six50 King, according to the lawsuit.

On a recent visit to the development, Crangle shook his head at the long, barren hallways with scuffed white walls and simple grey carpeting. The tile in the central courtyard is cracked, and he says the fountain had to be turned off because it was leaking into the underground parking garage.

“We expected more,†he said.

By not hiring Munge Leung, the lawsuit alleges, Freed and Tricon “saved the expense of retaining a high-end interior developer and delivered a lesser product.â€

Lawyer Ted Charney, who is currently representing condo owners in other disputes with developers, says this case is “a new twist on a recent theme.â€

“Developers promise the moon at the pre-construction stage using glossy advertising campaigns . . . and they take your dollars based on those promises,†he said.

Because these changes are often made years after the condo has been purchased, and the unit has appreciated, Charney believes owners should have other remedies available to them besides backing out of the purchase.

The condo owners at Six50 King, Crangle says, are simply interested in beautifying their homes. The damages sought, he says, are intended to cover the cost of iring Munge Leung “or another designer of equal calibre†to bring the common areas and elevators up to the standard they were expecting.
I looked at buying precon here and have a friend who lives there and I must say the lobby is far from what I remember it was originally designed to be and the hallways are rather drab. The outdoor courtyard which is the only amenity in the building is depressing and not a place you want to hang out in. I remember seeing the pavement at the front entrance being repaved a number of times with stone but it kept on popping out. Now it's just a layer of unattractive concrete which is also starting to crack and flake off.
I hope the residents gets something out this lawsuit.

This is not really new and there are other developers being sued for similar deficiencies. It may be hard to win such a lawsuit as the purchase agreement are carefully written so that the developer is not liable for such issues.
off topic a little, but yes... it's such a shame. Honestly, it's like selling you a condo, but giving you an apartment instead.. or in a different analogy, selling you a shirt and saying it is from Louis Vitton but after purchasing it, getting a shirt from FengLi (some random no name brand I just made up) made in China... yes it might still be made of 100% cotton, and the style maybe different and so is the quality and density of the cotton. Developers are such a joke. I wonder if you could alter their standard agreement and then - sue them!
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Question for anyone currently living in the building, what is the parking situation like? Are there spots to rent (or even buy) in the underground lot?
