I'm confused - you are saying occupancy for floor 18 is end of July? I thought the building would be completely occupied by July according to Cityzen - and isn't tower 5 occupied already up to the 8th floor? I'm on floor 27 and latest date for me is Feb 23... *fingers crossed*

Hey, do you notice this guy jsonbelo is banned from this website. I think he/she copied my #8 for somehow. Anyhow, my quote was refer to tower 4 and I think most units are occupied except the penhouses in which still for sales. I hope this building close very soon, may be sometimes in January...
Hey, do you notice this guy jsonbelo is banned from this website. I think he/she copied my #8 for somehow. Anyhow, my quote was refer to tower 4 and I think most units are occupied except the penhouses in which still for sales. I hope this building close very soon, may be sometimes in January...

Can someone shed some more light on how closing dates work. I was told that a building must be registered when they have 80% occupancy. Building 4 pretty much as 98% occupancy, why haven't they closed and registered the building?
Condominium Registration is NOT tied to % of occupancy (despite what all sales people say) ... it is associated with:

  • certificates of "substanstial" completion being issued by the project architect and engineers
  • satisfactory inspections from City staff
  • fulfillment of specific obligations (ie: monetary) in accordance with Site Plan Approval/Agreement
Its coming near the closing date, but I haven't heard anything about next steps...anybody in the same boat or has gone through moving in recently?
Still no word for when is the closing date for tower 4, anyone has any news of when?

This building is very slow...

Hi, I am new on this. Can you confirmed if you close already?...We did occupancy on Dec 5, 2011 for unit on 17th floor on tower 5th (50 absolute). As at that time the builder told us that the closing would be in March......Now, in March, the builder is saying that the closing will be around summer!.....have you closed? or do yiu know if anyone on tower 4 has closed?

Sorry for the delayed response. I had my pdi about a month ago and my occupancy date on tower 4 is Nov 28th. And yes, it was delayed 2 years and 2 months from the original projected 3. I was told that the building will be registered by the end of December which is great since I'm not looking forward to paying the phantom mortgage. I really hope they finish the remaining 3 elevators which would bring the total of elevators to 6. I once waited 20 minutes from floor 39 to ground.

Anyhow, I'm not sure if you've checked out your unit but I checked out mine well before my pdi during the day working hours. Just waltz in and take a look. I ran into a contractor one time and he was more than willing to let me check it out.
We are in Tower 4, still no word of when is the closing date... as I recall, they asked 10 post dated cheques for the maintenance when we occupied last August, so I guess once they depleted the 10 cheques, then it will be the time, so more or less, tower 4 will be June this year if calculate it right?? I would be ashamed if they come and ask more post dated cheque after June!! Fingers cross.
We occupied unit in tower 5 (50 absolute) on Dec.5 and asked us for 12 postdated checks...I was very sad, and told us that closing maybe in March...I guess June was what was planned....however I am still finger cross.
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Tower 5 close yet?

We occupied unit in tower 5 (50 absolute) on Dec.5 and asked us for 12 postdated checks...I was very sad, and told us that closing maybe in March...I guess June was what was planned....however I am still finger cross.

Hi Tower 5,
Have you close yet? Tower 4 had been close since beginning of last May. If not, would you know the date?
Just wondering.
no closing yet

Hi Tower 5,
Have you close yet? Tower 4 had been close since beginning of last May. If not, would you know the date?
Just wondering.

Unfortunately no closing date known yet. I was told Tower 4 closing starting Dec. 2011, at least one part of it.
I have called the office twice and no definitive answer. They always said in 3 months. :(
Unfortunately no closing date known yet. I was told Tower 4 closing starting Dec. 2011, at least one part of it.
I have called the office twice and no definitive answer. They always said in 3 months. :(

I supposed all tower 4 already close months ago, we close ours tower 4 in May and was told everyone close within the 3 weeks at that time. So if tower 5 has no date yet, wouldn't that be more than 2 years delay? Wonder what is the hold up.

Eventhough you call them, no one knows when but they will tell you when the time comes and the date is within the 2 weeks and you have to run around to set up mortgages, lawyer etc. Fingers crossed, anytime soon.
Anybody here actually own or live here? I was looking to invest in a unit here, not sure how good this area is, and I have heard bad reviews about this building, such as:
-some negative reviews saying that the building is ghetto, somewhat resemble Jane/Finch
-people break the rule of not having loud noises at night
-bad building management by Simerrra, the story is that the owners try to complain to the board about some of the issues in the building, and Simerrra kept the letter and refused to acknowledge the board
-slow security gate as well?

I've been trying to do some research on this condo before I seriously going over to take a look with salesperson, thanks.
Living here, I can't tell you how many morons don't know how to use the roundabout (both buildings enter through the right most garage door in that pic).

They'll come out of the garage and hang a left to go straight toward that guardhouse/exit and just yesterday, someone entering the property did the same thing after passing the guardhouse - going left against the circle to go towards the other 3 building where that picture was taken from. Hand gestures between him and drivers coming the other way were funny, as it was temporarily impassible due to a catering van also being parked to one side.

They've put up "one way" signs and "no left turn" signs, but about 1/3 of drivers still exit the parking garage and go the wrong way.
Living here, I can't tell you how many morons don't know how to use the roundabout (both buildings enter through the right most garage door in that pic).

They'll come out of the garage and hang a left to go straight toward that guardhouse/exit and just yesterday, someone entering the property did the same thing after passing the guardhouse - going left against the circle to go towards the other 3 building where that picture was taken from. Hand gestures between him and drivers coming the other way were funny, as it was temporarily impassible due to a catering van also being parked to one side.

They've put up "one way" signs and "no left turn" signs, but about 1/3 of drivers still exit the parking garage and go the wrong way.

Spike strips could sure teach one of those morons an expensive lesson!
