Hey guys,
Considering a unit (west facing unit) and seeing how the building is still being worked on, am curious if anyone has answers to these questions:
- Clear explanation on projected completion dates of Foyer/Elevators, Indoor Amenities, Balcony
- How likely will much of the front foyer work be done by winter?
- How likely will the amenities (primarily gym and pool) be done by next summer?
- Was told parking is not available but we get one in L Tower. Any idea when parking is ready for Backstage?
- Visitor parking? Available in L Tower or Backstage? How many visitor parking spots in total in L Tower? Is it all completed?
- Since amenities are being worked on, do we have access to L Tower amenities in interim?
- If issues exist with mechanical components i.e. heating, AC, plumbing, electrical, is property management responsible to fix?
- Can we add window coverings, any restrictions?
- How often do fire drills/false alarms take place?