Looking to buy a 2 or more bedroom unit...2 baths is a must
Serious buyer..pls PM me if you're selling
Final closing October 28th, only 2 weeks after occupancy. How did Concert manage to get this building registered so fast without even starting occupancy? I am really surprised.
I don't get it. It usually takes a minimum of a month to get final closing once 70-80% of the folks have occupied/closed. I don't believe it either. Where did you get the October 28th date?
The condo is registered. My lawyer received word from Concert. and apparently I won't be paying occupancy fees when I move in on Oct. 23rd.
Just received an email from my lawyer as well. Im in the same boat...occupancy date of Oct 18 is now my Final closing date. Unheard of!
Dentons advising that this condominium was registered on September 17, 2013 as Instrument No. AT3407874 creating Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2332.
I am really impressed on how fast this project was completed. They released this project on May 15th 2010, it was sold out in less than 6 months and it got registered on Sept 17th 2013, that's 3 years and 4 months in total.
I am really impressed on how fast this project was completed. They released this project on May 15th 2010, it was sold out in less than 6 months and it got registered on Sept 17th 2013, that's 3 years and 4 months in total.

That's great. How in the hell did it get registered so quickly? This is great news!
Just received an email from my lawyer as well. Im in the same boat...occupancy date of Oct 18 is now my Final closing date. Unheard of!

Lawyer just advised the condo is registered and our final closing and occupancy is November 15th and we are on the 10th floor. FYI, we also chose cinder maple.
