Thanks but im you mean for emergency lighting or in unit needs? I am presently renting in a 2 year old building in Port Credit..we went to a hotel Monday night as my wife has a breathing machine. We lost power at 6pm and our power returned at 3 am. Glad we were pro active.
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Condo generators are for emergency lighting, not for in-suite needs. You couldn't have a gas-powered generator because you can't transport combustible materials through common elements.
understood completely about outside generators..I was asking if there is any kind of a product made for inside condos.
The issue is what would power these inside generators? There is a carbon monoxide risk, and there are noise issues. I've never heard of any condo allowing them, but I did some quick googling, and it's a topic in the US in areas that get nasty weather, but they have completely different rules than we do. I couldn't find anything for Ontario.
Does anyone know if this occupancy date is the FINAL? Can they move it again? Only reason why I am asking is because my date is now Oct. 23rd for the 5th floor and I need to give my landlord notice. He's a friend so ideally I'd like to give him 3 months. Which would be in 2 weeks...

I've sent Concert a note a week ago without a response.
Technically they are obligated to provide 90-day notice in advance to any change to the firm occupancy date, unless there is an unavoidable delay such as a strike, fire, act of God, etc. My firm occupancy date is Oct 10 which is less than 90 days from now so they cannot modify this date unless they have a unavoidable delay
understood completely about outside generators..I was asking if there is any kind of a product made for inside condos.

The building's emergency generators provide power only for emergency lighting, some mechanical systems, elevators (some or all depending on the building) of the building but does not provide power inside individual units.
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I saw roller blinds already installed on 3rd floor this morning. I guess those units should be fully completed
The building's emergency generators also provide power for all INSIDE unit needs as well. That is standard for new condos.
Just curious ... is this a regulation? And what do you mean by "new"? My condo is just over 2 years old and the generator provides hall and stairway lighting during a power outage, but nothing in-suite.
Just curious ... is this a regulation? And what do you mean by "new"? My condo is just over 2 years old and the generator provides hall and stairway lighting during a power outage, but nothing in-suite.

Sorry, you are right. I should not have said inside units. I will go back and fix that.
perhaps a call is in order...maybe they are doing in a couple of groups.

called a Meet and Greet Aug 28 7-9...cable and satellite providers to peddle their services... Q and A.

Being held at Novetel.
