Does anyone have any information about upgrades of appliances (brands and models) available for the Star Tower? Thanks
Has anyone moved in yet in the south tower?

The west north tower has residents, but the 2nd tower has yet to see any residents, as there is still a fair amount of work to be done yet.

Some months ago, I thought someone had moved in from what was on the balcony, but nothing there now.
Strange.. My bf is supposed to get his keys on the 15 or 16th of december and he is pretty high up...Weird..
Think long and hard about moving here ....

It's 3:32 A.M. and the fire alarm has gone off four times in the past hour and a half. A couple weeks ago it went off four times in the same week normally before 7:00 A.M.

When going in and out of the parking garage the same gate opens up. It's only a matter of time before there's a head-on collision.

When getting on the elevator there are two lights on each side. One always shows going down and the other always shows going up no matter what direction you're going.

I could make a much bigger list. Ultimately, coming here was a big, expensive mistake. Do your homework before buying/renting!
So the fire alarm went off last night at around 1:45am in Phase 2 underground parking. I'm currently in Phase 3 and the fire alarm went off in my building as well. Living in previous condominiums, they always had a alarm silencer. This place had nothing and is just a complete joke. Thankfully I'm getting out in April and never looking back. Too many problems with this place ugh.
So the fire alarm went off last night at around 1:45am in Phase 2 underground parking. I'm currently in Phase 3 and the fire alarm went off in my building as well. Living in previous condominiums, they always had a alarm silencer. This place had nothing and is just a complete joke. Thankfully I'm getting out in April and never looking back. Too many problems with this place ugh.

12:46 A.M. and yet another fire alarm. The security guard explained that last week's issue was the result of some kind of technical glitch. I find it odd that most of these technical glitches take place after midnight.

There's no such thing as a good night's sleep in this building. Think long and hard before moving in here people, I've got my noise-cancelling headphones on and I've got MLS open in another window!!!
It is 1:40 in the morning and if this review helps atleast one person considering moving into this building I will feel it will be worth it.
While the condo units are quite beautiful and the location is amazing, the daily fire alarms that run in the middle of every night atleast a couple of times followed by testing during the days almost EVERY week is beyond riduculous. There is a high percentage of renters, and while there are many who rent and own who take pride in their home, there are MANY who are ghetto and let their dog take a crap (including in the elevators) and dont clean it up, leave a couch they dont feel like moving in the elevator and have all of their cool friends over.The property mangagment is a joke, and the yellow tape that can often be found outside is due to a regular problem of balcony glass shattering. Save yourself alot of frustration, and money and invest your time and money somewhere else. My husband and I have decided after being here for a year and a half, though incredibly inconvenienced, will be moving.
12:46 A.M. and yet another fire alarm. The security guard explained that last week's issue was the result of some kind of technical glitch. I find it odd that most of these technical glitches take place after midnight.

There's no such thing as a good night's sleep in this building. Think long and hard before moving in here people, I've got my noise-cancelling headphones on and I've got MLS open in another window!!!

The alarm was non-stop for 50-55 minutes and then it was cleared after an hour.

For residents who missed it, there was an encore just after 4:30 A.M. although this alarm didn't last very long (the glass is half full).
My best friend lives in this building so it feels like a second home. However, he's fed up and quite frankly I don't blame him.

From the pathetic gym, to the really questionable people living in it (I'm convinced the whole complex is rented by drug dealers), to the absolutely unbearable noise the wind makes spinning around these towers - it's awful. Such a shame for a good concept and a fantastic location. They should really screen some of the people they rent to. I don't know how some of these people can even afford to rent in this building (and I know the prices are not even that high).
Drug dealers? Go to South Beach oh man that's a real show there. But yeah the noise the wind makes is really unbearable I'm out of here March 1st.
I will say this. A lot of the complaints in this thread happen in most new condos. They should be rectified soon once there's a proper board in place and the building is completely finished. The poop in the building issue I've seen in so many other projects. You can't really run from assholes. They're everywhere.
