Access to water isn't the same as ownership of that section of land. Property lines typically do not move when the water level drops or rises though they may be guaranteed the ability to pass over and use the newly exposed land to access the water.

The exposed land will normally be under federal ownership. There is also a good chance the lake already had a ring around it under federal ownership before the water level dropped which the adjacent property owners were allowed to use.

For those of us living in Ontario, all your facts are rubbish.

By definition in Ontario, a riparian owns to the water's edge. If the water recedes or rises, by natural processes, then the riparian gains or loses land accordingly, so title to any newly exposed land belongs to the riparian and not the Crown. Under navigable waters in Ontario, the bed is Crown land which is owned by the Queen in the right of the Ontario and not in the right of Canada as you imply when you says its "federal". When you speak of a ring of land under "federal ownership" I assume you are referring to the 66 foot road allowance that one finds on most but not all Township surveys in 'new Ontario' on lands fronting on navigable waterways. Title to this provincial Crown land is vested in the Township upon incorporation of the Township. Many Townships have been selling these lands to the abutting owners and when purchased these lands are typically registered to the water's edge making their owner a riparian.

I should add that being a riparian grant's one many rights vis-a-vis the submerged Crown land and water access which the public at large do not enjoy.

Finally, nearly all waterfront lands on navigable waterways in "old Ontario" including Toronto were patented to the water's edge making their owners riparians. Many riparians have further enhanced their rights by obtaining licenses of occupation or leasing or even purchasing some of the submerged Crown land abutting their properties thus creating a water lot in front of their properties.
^But does any of that mean a riparian is entitled to fill in the water body and thereby extend the boundaries of his/her land?

No. As I mentioned in my earlier post it had to be by natural processes. Therefore a riparian does not gain land by filling a lake or draining a lake. Although I should add that quite a few riparians on Lake Simcoe did in fact extend their boundaries by filling in some of the lake. In this case MNR decided to transfer the Crown's title to these filled lands to the riparians recognizing the ground truth ie. some of the riparians were in a position where they could claim adverse possession against the Crown.
Porter CEO, Vaughan confident of victory in battle over jets

This idiotic comment by Adumb Vaughan jumped out :

Vaughan said Ford’s support ultimately hurts Porter’s cause.

“The fact that the mayor supports it only makes it easier to stop.

So everything that Rob Ford is for - Adam Vaughan and other "progressives" on city council automatically have to vote against regardless of how beneficial the proposal is to the city? Never mind the proposal will pump $100's millions into the Toronto economy and create 1,000's of local jobs these morons have to vote against it to "get back" at Rob Ford!

If an election for Mayor was held tomorrow and on the Ballot you had

Rob Ford
Adam Vaughan
Olivia Chow
Kristyn Wong-Tam
Pam McConnell
Gord Perks

I would put an "X" beside Crack-head Robs name in a heartbeat!
That's a pretty sad indictment of young conservatives.

I agree. I can understand being against some of those people but seriously choosing someone who for all intents and purposes is a brainless self-centred Chris Farley character makes no sense. Some of the people on that list are people who actually have a brain and care about people, and while you may not agree with all their policies you will find some you do. Rob Ford in the previous council was the lone vote against a myriad of things 44-1. If you are picking Rob Ford over people who were in the other 44 of 45 votes on council it is like saying he is a rare genius or the sole voice of reason. That is ridiculous.
Karen Stintz would likely throw her hat in the ring no? That's probably where I would lean (self-identified conservative). I suspect she'd garner a lot of the conservative vote after Ford is put out to pasture.

On topic, this essentially rests with council right? Ottawa and the TPA would probably just agree to follow their lead I assume.
I found this interesting link that lets you listen to the difference in noise levels between the CSeries and current in production "jets":

Listen to the change:

Also an interesting graph showing that the CSeries geared turbo-fan will be quieter than the average turbo-prop (not surprisingly) :

Quiet Aircraft

The noise signature of the CSeries is lower than turboprops and significantly less than it's competitors. It is, in fact, the quietest commercial aircraft in-production

BBM: "The quietest commercial aircraft in-production"

Porter is proposing to operate the quietest commercial aircraft in-production from Island Airport and the "progressives" on the left are lining up to kill this proposal that will create 1,000's of jobs and pump 100's of millions into the Toronto economy?

Of course none of this factual information will sway the hardcore opponents like Adam Vaughan. According to Adam (or is it Adumb?) the fact that Rob Ford is for the Porter proposal is all we need to know to be against the proposal. No need to actually use our brains to think......

Rob Ford in favor = BAD
Rob Ford against = GOOD

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Travel Alert

If you are flying Porter today.....get here early. they are having some kind of systm issue and it is taking ages to check hour after arriving here I am now in possession of my first hand written boarding pass in a (very) long time!

EDIT....worse thing is that both espresso machines are down too!!!
Can we stop playing the left vs. right blame game please? It's just feeding into the suburb vs. dt elitist culture war that's eating away at our city right now. I'm a lefty and a resident living very close to the island airport, and I'm not against the new aircraft provided they live up to their noise claims. My feeling is that Vaughan and other councillors are opposed to this more because of the way that Porter and TPA have handled the situation and every other past situation regarding airport expansion/improvement. As we all know from Ford though, it's far easier to win people over with hyperbole and one-liners (ie: "gravy train" or "pave over the lake") than using reason and logically laying out an argument.
Travel Alert

If you are flying Porter today.....get here early. they are having some kind of systm issue and it is taking ages to check hour after arriving here I am now in possession of my first hand written boarding pass in a (very) long time!

EDIT....worse thing is that both espresso machines are down too!!!

That combined with the early morning fog must have made for so much fun ....

I'm flying tomorrow so it should be fixed by then :) And I don't drink coffee, so I'm good!
