"and benefits only a small portion of residents (even though its public land - and could benefit the city as a whole)."

It doesn't benefit the whole city simply because you need to take the ferry to get there, costing time and money. What would they put there instead of the cute little village? A park? As if Toronto needs more trees...
Well, if you want residential on ward island, whats better for that location? A small subdivision of bungalows? As oppose to incorporating the whole TIs into the waterfront scheme, or creating a proper residential neighbourhood for such a prime downtown location.
Porter airlines is a reality so only time will tell if it succeeds or fails. Given the volitile nature of the airline industry failure is most probably even if the concept itself is sound. I just want to make sure it doesn't succeed on the public dime. At any rate if you are one of those who is counting the days until the demise of the Island airport you can take solice in the fact that even if it were to close tomorrow and the land put into public hands it would be at least a decade until the land would be put to any use other than fallow land.
I mentioned this in a previous post, but this article expands on the idea/opportunity for regional sports teams and the TCCA.

[October 31,2006] Toronto Sun- What this town needs are more people like Bob Deluce, who got Porter Airlines going despite all the naysayers

If Bob Deluce has his way, the Toronto Maple Leafs will soon be flying on his Porter planes.

And their fans too. Heck, if this guy has it his way, he'll have the Raptors, Argos and the Marlies on board as well.

"There have already been inquiries to see what we offer," he said after addressing the Economic Club of Toronto yesterday at the prestigious National Club on Bay St. "It's such a natural for sports teams."

Yesterday he announced Montreal as Porter Airlines' second destination point -- starting in December. They start bookings tomorrow, just one week after they began daily flights to Ottawa.

How about that, Mayor David Miller? What was that about stopping the Island Airport bridge? It seems they are ferrying in a new island airline era! You can't win them all.

Just think of how perfect this could be for the teams. For some trips they could leave from the island instead of Pearson and be in their opposing city a lot quicker.


"They can be down there in eight minutes," he said. "Maybe they'd have a little more energy for the game."

It will be a "high end" trip on a 70-seat Q400 Bombardier turboprop plane -- with service provided by flight attendants wearing throwback uniforms and a smile. "We want to be one of the 100 best companies for people to work for," Deluce said, noting if you accomplish that, you end up with "happy customers."

Mark this date down folks. Feb. 27, 2007. The Maple Leafs will be at the Bell Centre in Montreal. Remember how good that game was Saturday? It would be fun to go to this one.

And with Montreal now on the Porter flying route this means fans can jump on a plane from the office downtown, fly for an hour, go to the game and fly back all in the same night -- all for $250. "We see this as a neat opportunity," said Deluce. "It's going to be great for sports and entertainment."

Just think of the packed planes of Yankee, Red Sox and Tiger fans coming this way one day. Deluce has big plans. Imagine that. Bringing people here to spend their money? That's part of my waterfront vision, folks. Capitalism.

Porter is growing. The city is benefitting. It's great. At least something exciting is happening in this town.

What a boring municipal election this year. This is no race. The candidates are trying to stir it up with no success and Miller sure as heck is not going to light a fuse.

The most exciting public figure in town right now is Bob Deluce. And he's not running. I met him for the first time yesterday and was thinking this guy sure has stamina. You'd have to go 24/7 at full tilt to beat him. Miller's not that crazy. In fact he's pretty smart.

Deluce is shaking things up and it's wonderful too see. Free enterprise at its best. Miller should try it. A positive business is the only way to turn this town's fortunes around.

Let the entrepreneurs fly. Just watch what they can create.

Marxism, or whatever the hell some of this people on council are trying to employ by dynamiting everything, is not going to work here. They don't even use it in Russia any more. Sickening whining about the federal and provincial governments not handing out tax money -- so they can waste it -- is not going to wash much longer.


Shut up and do something. And let others. People like Deluce, who doesn't seem to ever let the BS stop him. Nobody told him you can't fight city hall. Certainly nobody told him he could win. Don't look now but he is. First Ottawa, then Montreal and next New York, Chicago, Detroit, Thunder Bay and who knows where else.

And sports fans will be able to go to those cities to see the Toronto team compete. Those islanders better get their protest signs out. They are going to be busy because Porter Airlines seems to be on the move.

Some believe Miller may try to kill this fledgling business by trying to take control of the Toronto Port Authority from the feds. He should take a quiet and low-emission Porter Flight from the island if he goes up to the capital to negotiate this. It will cost him less time and the taxpayer less money.

Who knows, he may change his mind after the experience. If he does, the mayor loves the Leafs too and perhaps one day he'll take a trip down with the fans to cheer them on and such progress happening in our great city.
I considered posting that piece of free advertising but decided against it.


"Marxism, or whatever the hell some of this people on council are trying to employ by dynamiting everything, is not going to work here. They don't even use it in Russia any more. Sickening whining about the federal and provincial governments not handing out tax money -- so they can waste it -- is not going to wash much longer."

*sigh* It's depressing that people see that as a valid line of thought.
Regardless of what the island is used for, a fixed link would enhance its purpose. Having to take a five minute ferry to anywhere is laughable. Just about when the ferry is revving up, it is gearing down, and you are there.

It'd be great if it would be like a Stanley Park, or something like Ashbridges, with so much going on in the summer (notably beach vb). Being able to walk to the island from downtown, go for a jog around the island or play some league vb like that of TESSC would be amazing..

I'd take that over the airport..
Yeah, you. Wanting to dynamite things and waste taxpayer money on so-called "parks" and hating capitalism and all. :p
"Marxism, or whatever the hell some of this people on council are trying to employ by dynamiting everything, is not going to work here. They don't even use it in Russia any more. Sickening whining about the federal and provincial governments not handing out tax money -- so they can waste it -- is not going to wash much longer."

They still liquidate dissenting journalists in Russia.

Wow. Talk about lowest common denominator arguments - reverting to the age-old "Commie" slur. I guess that makes it nice and easy to understand for your typical semi-literate Sun reader. Who wrote this "article" anyway?
Lol, Me a marxist.

From all my posts in this thread supporting Porters fate to be decided by the nature of free market forces, and a willing customer of Porter, I thought I'd be accussed of being a capitalist pig..
Considering the settlement Deluce got from the Feds, in addition to how much of a subsidy TPA receives for the sake of TIA as well as the ejection of Air Canada from the facility, I see "free" enterprise is working just fine, and that tax dollars are indeed "not wasted".


Aren't the factors you mention primarily those of a free market?

I am not condoning this but..

-Deluce got money from the Feds for breach of contract.
-Air canada get evicted because of market competiton. They appealed this decision to the courts and lost.
-And the TPA is a fine example of a pseudo-governing organization with ties to the private sector, being mischieviously influenced by capitalistic interests.
Let the entrepreneurs fly. Just watch what they can create.

Why not just fill the waterfront in so that jets can land on the island airport? It would be so convenient for travellers as they fly in and out of city, be they the important business person or the very important professional athlete. The waterfront would make millions in rent and taxes for governments and there would be a healthy business operating there. No need to tear down the Gardiner, either, as it would serve as a vital link to the suburbs. Planning for one airport is just so much easier to deal with than the myriad of "livability" issues that seem to plague those of us who live downtown.
Why not just fill the waterfront in so that jets can land on the island airport?

This would have been a good idea BEFORE cityplace. They could have just dumped all dug up soil there.

Anyways, bad idea. I don't necessarily agree with jets there because of the noise.
