The CEO of WestJet was in Toronto today to accept delivery of their first Q400's and he expressed interest in flying into Toronto Island if slots open up and further stated Westjet would be interested in buying Porter (hope this never happens!). Earlier this week I was at Polson Pier and a saw the new WestJet Q400 make a bunch of low level passes over the Island Airport with a chase plane close behind taking pictures / video

Here is the Star story on the same event.

interesting (to me) that the planes are painted as "WestJet" rather than a variation indicating "WestJet Encore"....unless my old eyes are failing me I see no mention of Encore on the plane.
Here is the Star story on the same event.

interesting (to me) that the planes are painted as "WestJet" rather than a variation indicating "WestJet Encore"....unless my old eyes are failing me I see no mention of Encore on the plane.

If WestJet hopes to fly into the Island one day they will have to change the name of their new airline to WestProp because there is no way that the useless morons* on city council currently opposing the Porter proposals are going to allow a "jet" to land at Toronto Island.

(* Adam Vaughan, Pam McConnell, Kristin Wong-Tam, Gord Perks, Mike Layton )
Well it shouldn't have much of an effect on demand, the Pickering lands are way further from the city than Pearson is. Unless this means the feds are going to try to shut down Porter's plans.
Posting because it's been talked about on here before. The Star is reporting that the federal government is moving ahead with building the Pickering airport.

Do you think this will have any effect on the island airport, or Porter's most recent plans?

Well it shouldn't have much of an effect on demand, the Pickering lands are way further from the city than Pearson is. Unless this means the feds are going to try to shut down Porter's plans.

Pickering does nothing for Porter. However, that said, there maybe political pressure to close YTZ if the Pickering airport does come to fruition.
Pics taken June 25, 2013


For Max Moore living near Billy Bishop Airport has become almost unbearable.The airport is in the middle of building a pedestrian tunnel from the city to the island terminal and the noise level has ramped up recently.
"It's so loud in our apartments we have to stop talking," said Moore. "We can't hear conversations, we can't talk on the phone, we can't hear the radio."
Moore is a sound engineer and regularly measures the decibel levels at the airport. He says his readings are pretty consistent.
"That would be 80 to 100 decibels, which is louder than a motorcycle, and we hear that loudness, we hear motorcycles in our homes."
Ok sure but does that make them fact? If it's 80-100 decibels inside his apartment, it must be ear-drum rupturing outside. Unless maybe he's taking these on a balcony or with a balcony door and all windows open. Even so I'd find it hard to believe.

I'm sure it's a pain, but I see little chance of it being that bad and it's also temporary.
I didn't say they are fact, just that he talks about it a lot :)

I live near the airport, and the loudest noises are the helicopters and small planes, not the Porter and Air Canada flights (except when they are doing run ups, and then yes, it's horribly loud). The ,motorcycles on Lake Shore are loud too. Enough to make me want to move? No.
Bumping this thread to provide exciting updates on the CSeries program (the Jet Porter is proposing for the Island).

Yesterday the CSeries conducted low speed taxiing tests for the very first time as well as full-power engine tests. Observers were impressed on just how quiet the engines on this new generation of "whisperjets" were at full power. Next step is high speed taxiing tests and then its off to the paint shop for a "new look" and first flight in the coming weeks. It would be wonderful if the CSeries can make an appearance at the CNE airshow this year. Seeing and hearing it in person would no doubt silence a lot of critics.

Video from Bombardier :



FTV-1 (flight test vehicle 1) has a fresh coat of paint. Looking good for the first flight!


Photo credit: Patrick Cardinal

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