Adumb has been opposed right from the get-go. I think the number of council members who are willing to support the request by Porter can be counted on one hand by now and they include the Ford Bros..
Of course the lefties have long been opposed. They include in addition to Vaughan and KWT, McConnell, Davis, Perks, Layton, Fletcher, Carrol
Some of those in the middle or to the right are getting cold feet. Matlow , Minan-Wong, Milclyn, are leaning towards accepting the staff report -i.e. putting off making decision until after the next election. Norm Kelly is try to postpone a decision till next year sometime. I believe Stintz has been opposed to the start .
It seems if a council member is not outright opposed to the airport expansion then they are trying to use it for a cash grab saying they need $300 Million for infrastructure. This is complete nonsense because having an airport downtown currently eliminates over 2 million passenger trips to Pearson Airport , i.e. it saves on infrastructure by reducing wear and tear on the Gardiner, QEW and other city roads to Pearson. Another way to look at this is the city is spending $500 Million (if it comes in on budget) to build a diesel train link from downtown to Pearson that can handle 5,000 passengers a day or 1.8 Million a year. Billy Bishop already handles that many passengers and could easily double!
When it comes to infrastructure costs the city enjoy's a net gain by having an airport downtown (same with air quality - a net gain by eliminating over a million car trips per year).
What kind of infrastructure changes are needed at the foot of Bathurst? The city has spent nothing down there since the airport opened. Maybe its about time that the city spend some of the $MILLIONs it gets each year from the Airport (in lieu of property taxes) and make whatever changes are necessary.
Approval of this airport expansion should have been a no-brainer. The fact that it looks ready to fall to defeat say a lot about how dysfunctional this city is. It explains why Toronto - the fourth largest city in North America is so mediocre. Most people outside of Canada didn't even know where Toronto is on a map until our Mayor admitted to smoking crack.