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Apr 23, 2007
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North York's mascot Nork was sacrificed to amalgamation. Will Toronto ever see a figure like him?

Special to The Globe and Mail

May 19, 2007

In 1997, on the eve of North York's amalgamation with Toronto, the suburb's amiable mascot - a giant, scarf-wearing snowball named Nork - was forced into early retirement at the age of 15. As the sprawling metropolis folded quietly into the new megacity, no tear was shed for the larger-than-life bon vivant who brought so much joy to "The City With Heart."

Ten years after amalgamation, Nork is living alone in storage at Toronto City Hall, unseen for a decade. Upon emerging recently for a stroll through the downtown core, he made many friends - but no one remembered his name.

Designed in 1982 by Kevin Shanahan - best known for creating BJ Birdy, the Blue Jays' erstwhile mascot - Nork was so named by way of a citywide contest open to children aged 12 and under who voted that a contraction of "North York" would be an ideal moniker. His debut at that year's Winter Carnival sealed his fate as a fixture of the local scene.

"Nork became our central figure," recalls Anna Di Ruscio, former director of information services for the City of North York. "He was everywhere, year-round."

Ms. Di Ruscio, who oversaw Nork's creation, fondly remembers a time in the mid-1980s when the lovable snowball married Valentine, also a snowball. "We had a huge wedding," she remembers. "The best man was Peter Puck. Mr. Peanut was there.

"And nine months later, [then-mayor] Mel Lastman was the attending physician at North York General for the birth of their baby, Snowball."

Mr. Lastman, known for his shrewd marketing, was "100 per cent behind Nork," Ms. Di Ruscio says. "He loved him."

So, could the big city of Toronto ever have its own, say, Cornelius the Condo or Multicultural Marvin? "I'd say yes," Di Ruscio enthuses. "It would rally the people together."

Nork should dump Valentine

Nork should dump Valentine and marry Mr.Sauga during this year's upcoming Pride Celebrations. We can make world headlines with the first gay mascot wedding!

It would be a match made in suburban heaven! North York and Mississauga together at last!

Nork should dump Valentine and marry Mr.Sauga during this year's upcoming Pride Celebrations. We can make world headlines with the first gay mascot wedding!

It would be a match made in suburban heaven! North York and Mississauga together at last!



Does Mississauga actually have a mascot?
We have two

We have two actually, the first is this big yellow raindrop called Sunny Mississauga.

The other is Mr.Sauga who was launched during the millennium celebrations and he has a big globe as a head and wears a top hat and suit with Mississauga printed on the back.

They are both usually out and about during the Canada Day celebrations at City Hall.

There is a third Mississauga Mascot, and you can find him on old garbage bins at the bus stops, his name was Super Kitty (a cat with cape) he went around to schools teaching kids not to litter. I remember I got this membership card with my name on it at school from Super Kitty pledging not to litter as a kid. I still have it somewhere I think.

Mmm, I like Sunny better than Sauga. I think they should bring back Super Kitty too.

I do remember Nork as a kid growing up in North York!

LOL Super Kitty!

Geneva had this elephant named George... "George le Genevois" I remember I used to be beyond scared of him in kindergarten..
Toronto Mascot

Now that I think back, Toronto did have a really stupid Mascot during the millennium celebrations. I think he had the CN Tower as a body with a cape...LMAO. Haven't seen him since!

Mel Lastman made a great mascot on his own! David Miller... not so much. People actually take him seriously!
Everyone: Interesting news about NORK! Why not bring back North York's mascot in time for the 10th anniversary of the United City of Toronto at the end of this year? What about these mascot ideas: Toby Coke or Scar Beria? ;) or maybe Yorkie Bear(I heard that someplace once) My thoughts here...LI MIKE
Hmm, amalgamation?
And the GMA area continues to grow. Actually, I guess it'd be the M itself is growing, not the GA. Gah, nvm :p

And Mississauga needs a need mascot. Our current ones a cheese. I'd rather see Mr. and Mrs. Sauga, but that's just obvious and cheese. Ya, I'm in a mood right now to call everything cheese.
Why would you need a mascot when you've got a Super Mayor?

About as mascot-worthy as Mel Lastman and whatever varmit he had on his head during his time.

Speaking of which, he's gotta have the least dignified post-mayorship era of any modern Toronto mayor. Haunting us forever in Bad Buy commericals.
