A somewhat tangential thought. I wondered if they're going to name it Birch Trees on account of the mural, then it made me think of how close that would be to Peach Trees.

Normally, I'm not the biggest fan of buildings without parking just for the heck of it, but I can't think of any reason not to in the particular location. It's a narrow lot, directly on a C-Train platform along 11th which can get pretty hairy for drivers. It's pretty ideal. There's even a grocery store only a modest walk away at 11th Ave. & 11th Street.
While I agree with most of what you said, I do have to argue the point about car access to this site being bad. I recently moved into the downtown west end, and typically find the car access excellent. 11th and 10th street provide easy, direct access to 9th, 6th, and 5th Ave for this area, and you can very quickly hop out on 6th Ave to get to Bow Trail or Crowchild. Much better car access here than most parts of downtown in my opinion.
Good to know MichaelS. How do you find the area in general? The girlfriend and I are looking into getting a place, somewhere in the core.
We really enjoy it, but to be honest feel like we haven't taken full advantage of it yet. We moved in mid-August, and just haven't seemed to find the time to do things like walk across the river to Kensington, etc... Have barely started exploring some of the restaurants in the area. But, what we have experienced has been positive. Not that noisy overall (actually seems very quiet outside of peak commuting hours), and the commute has been a breeze with the free fair zone.
It's nice and close to the river and it's pathway system, but what it very surprising is how close it is to Beltline and 17th ave. The walk down 11th is surprisingly quick.
We really enjoy it, but to be honest feel like we haven't taken full advantage of it yet. We moved in mid-August, and just haven't seemed to find the time to do things like walk across the river to Kensington, etc... Have barely started exploring some of the restaurants in the area. But, what we have experienced has been positive. Not that noisy overall (actually seems very quiet outside of peak commuting hours), and the commute has been a breeze with the free fair zone.
Thanks for the feedback! I like the idea of being so close to the river and Kensington and being able to hop the free fare zone to go down the Core and Stephen Ave.
If we could get 60 of these puppies spread throughout the CBD, Beltline, Mission, and Sunalta, I would be extremely happy. I might actually die of happiness.
Me too. I'm a big fan of medium low and medium rise buildings. Especially a street with 4 or 5 skinnier mid-rise buildings on it.
If we could get 60 of these puppies spread throughout the CBD, Beltline, Mission, and Sunalta, I would be extremely happy. I might actually die of happiness.
Especially Sunalta. A neighbourhood with good potential.
Sunalta could use a boost in density for sure, especially along 10th and 11th ave. Make it look like the rendering for the WV sports complex. :)
If we could get 60 of these puppies spread throughout the CBD, Beltline, Mission, and Sunalta, I would be extremely happy. I might actually die of happiness.

I quite agree. Provided that the design of Birch Trees here is something closer to the floor for design quality rather than the mean or median and God forbid the ceiling. I'd love to see some of this scale trickle out of the downtown communities too. Into places like Kensington, Wesbrook and Marda Loop.
I quite agree. Provided that the design of Birch Trees here is something closer to the floor for design quality rather than the mean or median and God forbid the ceiling. I'd love to see some of this scale trickle out of the downtown communities too. Into places like Kensington, Wesbrook and Marda Loop.

Well you got your wish yesterday for Westbrook with the proposal of West 17 at 10 storeys and 35 meters. Kensington also has the 10 storey Minto project proposed. I don't think we'll ever see anything over 7 storeys in Marda Loop, and to be honest I wouldn't really want to. I like how quaint and lowrise it is on its own.
Hi Group,
I don't know Lot about the Project, but is It Similar to the N 3 Project in that It Will have NO Car Parking etc, Just trying to get some Ideas as to what the whole Project is
All About. Hope its Not asking to much.
